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Skinjack | 365tomorrows
Skinjack | 365tomorrows
Author : Neil Floyd We don’t like to use that word. It sounds negative, don’t you think? The whole procedure is much safer now. Please, try the caviar. It’s real. No, I insist. Ou…
Skinjack | 365tomorrows
Out of the Woods | 365tomorrows
Out of the Woods | 365tomorrows
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Dez pulled the bike up to the edge of the tree-line, the electrics going quiet automatically. In the distance, mile-high lamp standards flooded the distribution c…
Out of the Woods | 365tomorrows
One Last Time | 365tomorrows
One Last Time | 365tomorrows
Author : Mattias Ahlvin The man in the gray overcoat sat in his old station wagon. He waited. He took a sip of coffee from an old thermos and adjusted his glasses. He glanced at his watch and looke…
One Last Time | 365tomorrows
Of Anger and Beauty | 365tomorrows
Of Anger and Beauty | 365tomorrows
Author : Steve Smith, Staff Writer Tzen sat on the third floor of the abandoned building in near darkness. Only those streetlights that remained unbroken filtered light through shattered windows an…
Of Anger and Beauty | 365tomorrows
Privacy, Please | 365tomorrows
Privacy, Please | 365tomorrows
Author : Jonathan DeCoteau “Stupid quotes are only tweets in disguise.” –unknown (but most likely someone who’s been unfriended) Riley saw the invasive little bug flapping its electronic wing…
Privacy, Please | 365tomorrows
Into Existence | 365tomorrows
Into Existence | 365tomorrows
Author : Olivia Black, Staff Writer Cold. For so long it has only know the frigid expanse of deep space, numb to the wonders, and horrors, of the galaxy. In this solitary existence, time has no mea…
Into Existence | 365tomorrows
Reversion | 365tomorrows
Reversion | 365tomorrows
Author : Beck Dacus In the middle of filing my taxes, I got a phone call. I hoped it would be some kind of relief from this stress, but it wasn’t to be; it was my wife’s lawyer calling, saying she …
Reversion | 365tomorrows
Saudade | 365tomorrows
Saudade | 365tomorrows
Author : Eric Spery 27 December, 2033 A thin sunbeam streamed through a crack in the blinds. It lit John Kohl’s pregnant wife Angie as she snored quietly in bed. He sat at his desk drinking coffee.…
Saudade | 365tomorrows
DreamMaster | 365tomorrows
DreamMaster | 365tomorrows
Author : David Henson “Honey, are you going to use the DreamMaster tonight?” Sally says to her husband. “You bet. I’ve scripted a football match,” Jim says, laying the…
DreamMaster | 365tomorrows
Aesthetic Demise | 365tomorrows
Aesthetic Demise | 365tomorrows
Author : Timothy Marshal-Nichols “So this bloke then, this Galvano bloke, so this Galvano della Volpe is dead.” The Local Defence Officer thought for a few seconds while twiddling with his moustach…
Aesthetic Demise | 365tomorrows
Tears of Miroku | 365tomorrows
Tears of Miroku | 365tomorrows
Author : Jae Miles, Staff Writer Tendrils of smoke rise from the ancient bridge, but it stands strong. Atop it’s singed arch, two men stand, their powered-down armour dulled by dirt and char. The t…
Tears of Miroku | 365tomorrows
The Long Smoke | 365tomorrows
The Long Smoke | 365tomorrows
Author : David Henson The chaplain sits beside the young man and lays a small box on her lap. “Mr. Parker, would you like to pray with me?” “That’s not for me, Chaplain. But…
The Long Smoke | 365tomorrows
Metallic | 365tomorrows
Metallic | 365tomorrows
Author : Philip Berry Every child remembers their first visit to the field. They follow the teacher over the low rise that was a burial mound for the first settlers, and down a glass ramp into the …
Metallic | 365tomorrows
Generational | 365tomorrows
Generational | 365tomorrows
Author : Craig Finlay It seemed fine, to place it there. You were on the weekly trip to the greenhouse with Mom and Dad and Stella holding your hand the whole way as you skipped 10 meters at a time…
Generational | 365tomorrows
We Come In Peace | 365tomorrows
We Come In Peace | 365tomorrows
Author : Russell Bert Waters Their Emperor once conquered vast expanses; like Genghis Khan, who cried when he ran out of lands to conquer. But the Tar don’t cry. They don’t hear, see, o…
We Come In Peace | 365tomorrows
Avalon Avatar | 365tomorrows
Avalon Avatar | 365tomorrows
Author: Kate Runnels Ara studied the Avatar for a moment, liking what she saw. It wasn’t enough like her to raise suspicions if anyone she knew played the game, but she would be comfortable playing…
Avalon Avatar | 365tomorrows
Merit Badge | 365tomorrows
Merit Badge | 365tomorrows
Author: Janice Rothganger This was the spot. No longer needing his compass, Jackson tucked it inside his shirt. He dropped his pack and went about setting up the campsite: pitching a tent, igniting…
Merit Badge | 365tomorrows
Whiteness | 365tomorrows
Whiteness | 365tomorrows
Author: Ajith S Nair It was a Friday and in Saudi Arabia, Friday is a holiday for most people. I just got home after finishing the night shift. I am not supposed to be back for work until Monday ni…
Whiteness | 365tomorrows
Call Me Monday | 365tomorrows
Call Me Monday | 365tomorrows
Author: Jae Miles, Staff Writer That leaden feeling in your gut as you trudge from transport to entrance. The warmth of the lift buttons under your fingertips. Those shooting pains in your head as …
Call Me Monday | 365tomorrows
The Thought | 365tomorrows
The Thought | 365tomorrows
Author: Kaelen I’m tired, yet I can not sleep. Of course, sleep is not something I need or can even do, but I do enjoy taking quick naps, as I call them. Getting disconnected for short periods enli…
The Thought | 365tomorrows
The Wales of Whales | 365tomorrows
The Wales of Whales | 365tomorrows
Author: Joachim Heijndermans “And thus concludes this portion of our tour,” said Theo to his group. “If there aren’t any further questions, I suggest we all sit down for lunch and–,” He…
The Wales of Whales | 365tomorrows
The Ouroboros Ship | 365tomorrows
The Ouroboros Ship | 365tomorrows
Author : T. N. Allan There’d never been any protocols set in place for a disaster of this magnitude, no emergency course of action which might have retrieved the situation; but how could there have…
The Ouroboros Ship | 365tomorrows