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PodCastle 699: The Last Petal - PodCastle
PodCastle 699: The Last Petal - PodCastle
The Last Petal by Anna Madden Miss Lily Dale preferred hands to faces. Hands told a story that faces could hide. Her father’s hands had become so gaunt, so fidgety. A shipping merchant without ships was a man without a livelihood. He spent his days inside their new home writing letters to the port master. […]
PodCastle 699: The Last Petal - PodCastle
PodCastle 697: Down to Niflhel Deep - PodCastle
PodCastle 697: Down to Niflhel Deep - PodCastle
Down to Niflhel Deep by Maria Haskins The dog’s name is Roan. He doesn’t know how long he’s been running. Maybe it’s been hours, or days, or maybe it’s only been fifteen minutes since he slipped out of the backyard through the open gate, but however long it’s been, he hasn’t stopped running since. The […]
PodCastle 697: Down to Niflhel Deep - PodCastle
PodCastle 695: Black Wings, White Kheer - PodCastle
PodCastle 695: Black Wings, White Kheer - PodCastle
Black Wings, White Kheer by Rati Mehrotra The wings knock against the closet door on full moon nights, trying to escape. The sound terrifies Sarita, because if it wakes Amit, he might think there’s an intruder in the apartment. He might arm himself with something (what? Sarita settles on the kids’ baseball bat), throw open […]
PodCastle 695: Black Wings, White Kheer - PodCastle
PodCastle 601: A Thousand Tongues of Silver - PodCastle
PodCastle 601: A Thousand Tongues of Silver - PodCastle
A Thousand Tongues of Silver By Kate Heartfield I am a book. My pages are purple. This is how they made me. First, they flayed the calves, stretched and scraped their wet skins. Then they mixed lichen and leaves, rotted in human urine, to mimic the purple that comes of torturing sea snails to force […]
PodCastle 601: A Thousand Tongues of Silver - PodCastle
PodCastle 590: Labyrinth, Sanctuary - PodCastle
PodCastle 590: Labyrinth, Sanctuary - PodCastle
Labyrinth, Sanctuary By A.E. Prevost Constance carves her timeworn tracks into the thirsty rock. With silent steps her footfalls smooth the stone, century into century, grooves and gullies growing green as time and seed take hold. Stone after stone, her hands build battlements and balconies, repair time-ragged trusses, stack spires towards the sun. Deep in […]
PodCastle 590: Labyrinth, Sanctuary - PodCastle
On Inclusion and Artemis Rising: An Apology - PodCastle
On Inclusion and Artemis Rising: An Apology - PodCastle
It has come to our attention, through multiple channels, that the current incarnation of Artemis Rising 5 has caused harm to members of our community. Thanks to Bogi Takács’s eloquent explanation of how to bring more voices to the table, we are examining the best way to repair the trust we’ve broken. We appreciate the […]
On Inclusion and Artemis Rising: An Apology - PodCastle
PodCastle 639: Kiki Hernández Beats the Devil - PodCastle
PodCastle 639: Kiki Hernández Beats the Devil - PodCastle
PodCastle 639: Kiki Hernández Beats the Devil Author : Samantha Mills Narrator : Sandra Espinoza Host : Setsu Uzume Audio Producer : Peter Behravesh Discuss on Forums Previously published by Translunar Travelers Lounge. Rated PG-13. The dest… Kiki Hernández, rock legend of the Southwest, had seven devils on her tail. They scurried through the roadside scrub, not even trying to sneak. She could hear their scrabble-claws and clacker-tails, their dripping maws and teeth. via Pocket
PodCastle 639: Kiki Hernández Beats the Devil - PodCastle