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Take Two | 365tomorrows
Take Two | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Two Cardinalis cardinalis, the northern cardinal. Five Zenaida macroura, the mourning dove. One Toxostoma rufum, the brown thrasher. And the highlight of the excursion – one Pandion haliaetus, an osprey! I couldn’t wait to tell Maria, but for now I … Take Two | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Take Two | 365tomorrows
Memories Inherent in the Afternoon | 365tomorrows
Memories Inherent in the Afternoon | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / Author: Will H. Blackwell, Jr. Three PM: As per daily routine, a 15-lb. allotment of raw horse-meat is cast, piecemeal, into the uncertain hollows of this Ohio cage. via Pocket Memories Inherent in the Afternoon | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Memories Inherent in the Afternoon | 365tomorrows
Fregh and Young Brawl at the Skev | 365tomorrows
Fregh and Young Brawl at the Skev | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / One of those tavern junkies invited me to the Skev for a brawl. I personally enjoyed these screw-ups. The one I talked to that night, around a week ago, was a tusked Griff named Young, and he was lean and almost terrifying. via Pocket Fregh and Young Brawl at the Skev | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Fregh and Young Brawl at the Skev | 365tomorrows
Dark Chambers of My Heart | 365tomorrows
Dark Chambers of My Heart | 365tomorrows
via FREE Fiction / The fan on the ceiling turns slowly, another kitsch feature of this fake colonial era hospital. I do not know when hospitals started to compete for trade, but the ‘healing ambience’ vogue has been out of control – and good taste – for a while. via P… Dark Chambers of My Heart | 365tomorrows via Instapaper
Dark Chambers of My Heart | 365tomorrows
The Lost Machine: Chapter One | Weird Fiction Review
The Lost Machine: Chapter One | Weird Fiction Review
WFR is proud to serialize The Lost Machine in support of its author and illustrator, Richard A. Kirk. We will be reprinting the entire novel with its illustrations over the course of the next five weeks with a new chapter every Monday and Wednesday. Wherever possible, formatting has been made to match that available in the e‐book. This […]
The Lost Machine: Chapter One | Weird Fiction Review
The Lost Machine: Chapter Two | Weird Fiction Review
The Lost Machine: Chapter Two | Weird Fiction Review
WFR is proud to serialize The Lost Machine in support of its author and illustrator, Richard A. Kirk. We will be reprinting the entire novel with its illustrations over the course of five weeks with a new chapter every Monday and Wednesday. Wherever possible, formatting has been made to match that available in the e‐book. This part of […]
The Lost Machine: Chapter Two | Weird Fiction Review
The Lost Machine: Chapter Three | Weird Fiction Review
The Lost Machine: Chapter Three | Weird Fiction Review
WFR is proud to serialize The Lost Machine in support of its author and illustrator, Richard A. Kirk. We will be reprinting the entire novel with its illustrations over the course of five weeks with a new chapter every Monday and Wednesday. Wherever possible, formatting has been made to match that available in the e‐book. This part of […]
The Lost Machine: Chapter Three | Weird Fiction Review
The Lost Machine: Chapter Four | Weird Fiction Review
The Lost Machine: Chapter Four | Weird Fiction Review
WFR is proud to serialize The Lost Machine in support of its author and illustrator, Richard A. Kirk. We will be reprinting the entire novel with its illustrations over the course of five weeks with a new chapter every Monday and Wednesday. Wherever possible, formatting has been made to match that available in the e‐book. This part of […]
The Lost Machine: Chapter Four | Weird Fiction Review
The Lost Machine: Chapter Five | Weird Fiction Review
The Lost Machine: Chapter Five | Weird Fiction Review
WFR is proud to serialize The Lost Machine in support of its author and illustrator, Richard A. Kirk. We will be reprinting the entire novel with its illustrations over the course of five weeks with a new chapter every Monday and Wednesday. Wherever possible, formatting has been made to match that available in the e‐book. This part of […]
The Lost Machine: Chapter Five | Weird Fiction Review
Furnace | Weird Fiction Review
Furnace | Weird Fiction Review
The following is the title story from Livia Llewellyn’s 2016 collection, Furnace (Word Horde). “Furnace” originally appeared in The Grimscribe’s Puppets (ed. Joseph S. Pulver, Sr.), where it received a Shirley Jackson Award nomination, and it was reprinted in The Year’s Best Weird Fiction, Vol 1 (eds. Laird Barron and Michael Kelly). It has not previously appeared online. Everyone […]
Furnace | Weird Fiction Review
Voices Carry | Weird Fiction Review
Voices Carry | Weird Fiction Review
“Voices Carry” appears in Eric Schaller’s new collection Meet Me in the Middle of the Air (Undertow Publications, 2016). It originally appeared in Shadows & Tall Trees #2 (ed. Michael Kelly). It has not previously appeared online. — Weird Fiction Review Editors In this room there is no room for words. This room is a kitchen, newly […]
Voices Carry | Weird Fiction Review
The Molotov Cocktail
The Molotov Cocktail
There had been no meat for too long. Mother’s pups, now weaned off her milk, whined and yipped when she returned to the den, her jaws and belly empty. The squirrels and rabbits had gone, and nothing remained but parched desert and scorching heat. vi…
The Molotov Cocktail
The Molotov Cocktail
The Molotov Cocktail
It has been two weeks since my wife last laughed. At dinner, she shuffles her food around the plate, but doesn’t eat. She goes to bed early and wakes up late, barely in time for work. She moans in her sleep and burns hot, sweating through the sheets…
The Molotov Cocktail
The Molotov Cocktail
The Molotov Cocktail
Out of Gin I had been in the crawlspace for a while, cobweb strands like birthday streamers. I was thinking about juniper. I considered a garden. I debated buying gloves, growing the plants, finding a distributor. I had stepped onto a wet batch of w…
The Molotov Cocktail
The Molotov Cocktail
The Molotov Cocktail
Funny how it’s always the teeth. On the news, I mean. Or CSI, one of the two. After all the hopeful posters and the tearful parents and the trawls of woods and the charred remains. After all is said and done, I suppose. After all of that, there’s st…
The Molotov Cocktail
The Sound That Grief Makes - The Dark Magazine
The Sound That Grief Makes - The Dark Magazine
Caleb had been dead for two weeks when I started pretending to be his ghost. After the funeral, Hudson couldn’t sleep. I lay in my room and listened to my son crying. Quiet tears. A big boy suddenly aware that solid things can snap and break and bleed and end up buried under freezing earth. …
The Sound That Grief Makes - The Dark Magazine
With Her Diamond Teeth - The Dark Magazine
With Her Diamond Teeth - The Dark Magazine
It begins with a girl in the water. My stilt-legged home rises from a dark, slow-moving river; in it, I learnt to swim, buoyed by coconuts. For much of my nineteen years its murky depths held no fear. In the water there’s fish, in the fields there’s rice. In the kingdom of Ayutthaya, none of …
With Her Diamond Teeth - The Dark Magazine