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The Better Part of Drowning - The Dark Magazine
The Better Part of Drowning - The Dark Magazine
Alix was never sure what kept the groaning rickety-spider of a dock up, unless it was the mussels that swarmed over the piles, turning them to hazards that could slice a swimmer open. The divers were all over scars from waves and mussels, always being pushed into shell sharp as knives and leaving their blood …
The Better Part of Drowning - The Dark Magazine
Molting Season - The Dark Magazine
Molting Season - The Dark Magazine
There he is in the tub. Note the pores on his nose. Note the scarred cheek, the breakout here and there, angry ripe things red with a dot of white all ready to burst. Note the long hair, which I tried to wash last night; I’d put his head under the f…
Molting Season - The Dark Magazine
Necksnapper - The Dark Magazine
Necksnapper - The Dark Magazine
Delayna snapped the first crow’s neck without thinking about it. She had learned this from her parents. Before they robbed and prostituted their way out of her life and into prison, they had taught her to ignore the weight of sin and instead focus o…
Necksnapper - The Dark Magazine
The Whalebone Parrot - The Dark Magazine
The Whalebone Parrot - The Dark Magazine
June 26th 18–– A.D. Today, on a teetering skiff, I reached Whalebone Island. Mister Franklin crosses the inlet twice a month to deliver mail and supplies. In three years, he has never seen Loretta’s face. She hides behind a veil. via Pocket
The Whalebone Parrot - The Dark Magazine
Ghostling - The Dark Magazine
Ghostling - The Dark Magazine
Welch fucks the ghosts in the orchard. Before, it was the alleys, but the bricks of the five and dime were rough and the alley ground too wet and cold. In the orchard, it’s all long grasses gone to gold, the softness of rotting trees and fruit under…
Ghostling - The Dark Magazine
The Bone Beaters - The Dark Magazine
The Bone Beaters - The Dark Magazine
Tentzin urged his yak up the mountain before dawn, high above the prayer flags and incense cauldrons of the staging grounds. It was spring, but too early for funerals to be conducted. Those who died over the winter would need to be brought up the mo…
The Bone Beaters - The Dark Magazine
Vain Knife - The Dark Magazine
Vain Knife - The Dark Magazine
Stab here with index before you tuck into foul feast. Hour at which the blind see, when night unfurls her wing and goes out, silent as shaft of moonlight. Hour of the witches’ feeding; on primal pain, on corrupt love, on toothless cherub child. via …
Vain Knife - The Dark Magazine
Another Damn Cottage | Spelk
Another Damn Cottage | Spelk
by Tara Campbell It was another damn cottage, another damn grandmother, frail and helpless, waiting for a handout sent via grandchild. The wolf knocked, ate the grandmother, choking down her string…
Another Damn Cottage | Spelk
Death Do Us Part | Spelk
Death Do Us Part | Spelk
by Andrew Stancek The hospice in Lamac, a Bratislava suburb, has seen better times. The carnations on Vlasta’s side table drooped and the hall reeked of cheap institutional disinfectant which in sp…
Death Do Us Part | Spelk
Ash | Spelk
Ash | Spelk
by Charmaine Wilkerson His mistake, he thought, later. He’d sent a lengthy text message to the other homeowners, asking them not to flick cigarette ash off their balconies, where, down below, the b…
Ash | Spelk
The Pool | Spelk
The Pool | Spelk
by Matthew Licht There are worse jobs than booze delivery. Many Beverly Hills Liquors’ customers who ordered in were movie stars reluctant to venture out into the human world. Once, I delivered ten…
The Pool | Spelk
Barbara’s Salon | Spelk
Barbara’s Salon | Spelk
by Louise Mangos Amidst the acrid smell of chemical dyes and dusty elements of overheated hairdryers, I am looking forward to an hour of pampering. I lean back against the faux-leather headrest, an…
Barbara’s Salon | Spelk
Approach to the Scar | Spelk
Approach to the Scar | Spelk
by David Swann I found him fumbling along the corridor in the last café before the Scar. He was an Asian guy in baggy shorts and clomping boots. Boisterous. Middle-aged. What you might call a chara…
Approach to the Scar | Spelk
How Old is a Shadow | Spelk
How Old is a Shadow | Spelk
by Nicholas Day Tom’s nipples had bled right through his shirt. Embarrassment is why he now insisted on running before dawn and why he placed Band-Aids over his areolas. Vanity brought him to the m…
How Old is a Shadow | Spelk
Serafina’s Star | Spelk
Serafina’s Star | Spelk
by Sandra Arnold Serafina slipping out the gate at playtime. Running home to show her mother the star. Her first star. Bright and shiny on the page at the bottom of her story. Right next to THE END…
Serafina’s Star | Spelk
Virginia Creeper | Spelk
Virginia Creeper | Spelk
by Sebnem Sanders Ivy fascinated Ivan. English, with prominent white or yellow-green veins. Boston, with a reddish bronze colour in the spring, and bright, deep green during summer, turning to shad…
Virginia Creeper | Spelk
The Fourth Stage | Spelk
The Fourth Stage | Spelk
by Cornelia Fick Aunt Janet choked on her beer, and then wagged a finger at her husband, Ted. “I hope the worms eat you ragged, you swine. I hope they start on your soft parts.” “That was uncalled …
The Fourth Stage | Spelk
Jack, In the Box | Spelk
Jack, In the Box | Spelk
by David Cook “Jack, as you all know, was a man with a curious hobby. Some would call it an obsession. “His thing with jack-in-the-boxes started when he was six and I was three and Dad got him a ru…
Jack, In the Box | Spelk
New Equipment | Spelk
New Equipment | Spelk
by Beau Johnson “It breaks my heart is what it does. Because of this, I think it’s fair I keep this little sermon short.” Under overhead lights, upon stainless steel tables, my words bring tears, c…
New Equipment | Spelk