This week, we hope our free August story, Eugenia Triantafyllou‘s beautiful “Always Be Returning,” will transport all our readers to mythical and strikingly heartfelt shores. ~ Julian and Fran, August 6, 2023 Always Be Returning by Eugenia Triantafyllou
We kick off May with a new, free-to-read, Sarah Gailey story, set in a world where awards have a powerfully lasting effect. ~ Julian and Fran, May 7, 2023 Such an Honor by Sarah Gailey The Ganymede Lifetime Achievement Award for Excellence in Composition was warm in Leonard’s hand, not that he could feel it. Maybe if it had been piping hot or freezing cold, the sensation would have made it through the calloused landscape of his palm—but it was only as warm as the dozens of hands it had passed through over the course of the evening. It felt like nothing. Everyone wanted to touch the damn thing so they could say they’d touched it, so that later, in some way, they could convince themselves that they’d touched him.
What does wanderlust mean when you’re a ghost? Find out by joining Darcie Little Badger’s wonderfully intrepid Corey and Jimena on the road. ~ Julian and Fran, April 2, 2023 Those Hitchhiking Kids By Darcie Little Badger They hadn’t died while hitchhiking, and ghosts couldn’t own a car, but Corey and Jimena shared the condition of wanderlust, so something had to be done. In high school, they’d ditch class to bus-hop through Houston, losing themselves in mazes of hot streets. Death hadn’t extinguished the urge to travel without aim, although it made the process trickier, more frustrating.
Karen Lord’s story this week asks what would we do if we could hear the echoes of all the choices we’ve made in other lives, but haven’t made in this one. It is a stunning meditation on time and choices. ~ Julian and Fran, March 5, 2023 A Timely Horizon
This week’s story from James Patrick Kelly connects art, memory and experience in entirely new and unexpected ways. In keeping with that ideal, you’ll find a link to the art that inspired the story at the end! ~ Julian and Fran, March 12, 2023 The In-Between
Thank you for traveling with us today as Rick Wilber’s “To the Mean,” transports us to the past and the future in this epic story of connection. ~ Julian and Fran, February 26 To the Mean By Rick Wilber Karolina di Chun, 211 Anno Domini, Roman Britain
Will Alexander’s “A Body in Motion” gives us a full-on SF space movie in miniature. It has everything: thrills, chills, laughs, mysteries, and an utterly charming Baby AI. I want to read more in this world! ~ Julian Yap, May 8 2022
This week, Will Alexander returns us to the universe of last year’s “A Body in Motion” where we’ll visit a space station that is very alive, and that finds certain guests highly upsetting. What could possibly go wrong? (Answer: Many things, including poetry!)
Authors are often asked, “Where do you get all your ideas?” In this historical fantasy set within the world of her Onyx Court series, Marie Brennan offers one answer about the source and price of inspiration. ~ Julian Yap, February 13, 2022.
For September’s first, free story, A. R Capetta takes us on a spectacular road trip beyond anything we could have ever imagined. ~ Julian and Fran, Sept 3, 2023 Resurrection Highway by A. R. Capetta You climb the fence, hit the yard of the body shop at three in the morning—whispered among automancers as the best time—and write sigils on the tires in a thick glop of white paint. You skim the wheels with the specially prepared olive oil, which Rye always called wake-up juice, infused with chilis and lemon peel and much less savory ingredients that you sourced from that guy in the Haight who swore the marrow was fresh.
Nanlee was a woman with the sort of past that necessitated moving to a non-extradition treaty country, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t planned on enjoying her “retirement” on Luna Colony.
Author: Mina – Oi! Shortarse! Cap’n says we got company in just under two standard hours. You gotta put that fucking pest in the cage. Cyn sighed and put down his welding pen that he used for small repairs. He patted the feline lying in orange and purple glory the usual four foot away from […]
Author: Lindsay Thorimbert She was perfect, even if she was so often indignant, given to suspicions and conspiracies. I couldn’t resist her, but I didn’t believe what she said. Not at first. We met in a chat room, less than a year before the internet finally died. She said it was already gone, whether or […]
Author: Dan Leicht Jade slumped into the Captain’s chair as she watched her crew on the navigation hub. Their route beeped on the screen in front of her. The four-person crew were relying on her to swoop in for a rescue if needed. Jade crunched down on a kale chip as she tried her best […]
Author: Majoki Thor got thunder. Prometheus got fire. Shiva got a laser eye. Me? I got a measly quark. Smallest thing in the universe. Two and a half trillion times smaller than a grain of sand. What’s a god supposed to do with that? Make the masses tremble and beg mercy, pledge obedience and fealty–to […]
Author: Majoki A little problem, she’d reported. Fatima was a master of understatement. In some ways, Jorge felt she’d deserved to be eaten by his monstrous spawn. Though, it probably wasn’t the time to be reflecting on Fatima’s missteps. Explosions still rocked the installation. Acrid smoke was filling the lab, and Jorge’s left hand was […]
Author: Becky Neher Something enormous strode through the double doors of the dilapidated, rust-begrimed warehouse. Not quite whale, not quite elephant, not quite ogre, but nevertheless a creature hefty, fleshy, and odorous. Sporting purple and magenta beads glittering around a blubbery neck, swishing side to side with the dainty lumber of their wearer. Followed by […]
Author: David C. Nutt “Excellency, the Chair of the Preservist department is here as requested.” “Very good, send him in.” The Chair of the The Preservist Department, formally The Office for the Preservation and Purity of Galactic Standard Language, floated in, his formal saffron and scarlet robes billowing behind him. The Galactic University High Chancellor […]
“It’s all gone.” The ethereal voice whispered—almost robotic and clearly distant—its desperate lament choked off with a gasp, which tugged Itoro back from unconsciousness. Sprawled on her back…