

And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls - Lightspeed Magazine
And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls - Lightspeed Magazine
Always had the sages known that they would come. The first princess, in her bed of jewels and smelted gold, had dreamt of them; dreamt their terrible faces, their terrible claws, their endless hunger that is greater than the mountain and deeper than the deepest-diving seam. She had wept in the night, to have such dreams, and some say that her death---as the deaths of all princesses since her---came hard and early, because she could not know the peace of slumber.
And Men Will Mine the Mountain for Our Souls - Lightspeed Magazine
Under the Sea of Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
Under the Sea of Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
We have traveled here, to this most innocuous of country landscapes, to make good on a promise made by my grandfather, Carlton Whitmore, to a girl he loved in his youth. How foolish that sounds, writ down so! But it is true. Grandfather met her on the banks of the Bolton Strid, where she stood naked and confused, water drying on her skin. His notes state that she knew no modesty, and that “she was pale as the belly of a deep-river fish."
Under the Sea of Stars - Lightspeed Magazine
Hello, Hello - Lightspeed Magazine
Hello, Hello - Lightspeed Magazine
Tasha’s avatar smiled from the screen, a little too perfect to be true. That was a choice, just like everything else about it: When we’d installed my sister’s new home system, we had instructed it to generate avatars that looked like they had escaped the uncanny valley by the skins of their teeth. It was creepy, but the alternative was even creepier. Tasha didn’t talk. Her avatar did. Having them match each other perfectly would have been . . . wrong. “So I’ll see you next week?” she asked.
Hello, Hello - Lightspeed Magazine
In the Deep Woods; The Light Is Different There - Lightspeed Magazine
In the Deep Woods; The Light Is Different There - Lightspeed Magazine
A child will tell you, if asked, and if they are in the mindset to answer questions as they are posed and not as the child’s mind would have them interpreted---for the ears of children seem to work differently than the ears of adults, to be tuned to a different set of sighs and susurrations, not to the clean consonants and simple constructions of the adult vocabulary, and the answers of children are often similarly distorted.
In the Deep Woods; The Light Is Different There - Lightspeed Magazine
Nobody Ever Goes Home to Zhenzhu - Lightspeed Magazine
Nobody Ever Goes Home to Zhenzhu - Lightspeed Magazine
I’d always known Calam would run. He had all the signs. A taut restlessness, body brittle as an overstretched lute string, when we stayed too long in one place. A gloom in his eyes, as we drifted through stretches of dead space. A sullen crease between the brows, whenever I tried to ask how he’d landed in that dead-end Martian workshop at seventeen. But after ten years, why now?
Nobody Ever Goes Home to Zhenzhu - Lightspeed Magazine
As Though I Were A Little Sun
As Though I Were A Little Sun
It has been one hundred and thirteen years since our mother’s pear and red date soup slid along my tongue, and now I taste only the sweetness of soil and rot...
As Though I Were A Little Sun
Happily Ever After Comes Round - Uncanny Magazine
Happily Ever After Comes Round - Uncanny Magazine
Content Note: All Possible Warnings Apply click here for full note Warnings: violence, incest, cannibalism, fratricide, attempted infanticide just as in the original…   Children don’t generally assume their father will abandon them to die in the snow. But under certain circumstances, they might get an inkling. If their mother had died the year before, […]
Happily Ever After Comes Round - Uncanny Magazine
DECOMPRESSION - 365tomorrows
DECOMPRESSION - 365tomorrows
Author: Mark Renney Darren had come to dread having to decompress. He wasn’t alone and yet no-one was talking about it, even the media were quiet on the subject but then hardly anyone now was exempt. The evidence was everywhere and decompressing people had become a commonplace sight across the city. Old people, old bodies, […]
DECOMPRESSION - 365tomorrows
Scortan Hunting - 365tomorrows
Scortan Hunting - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The corridor is just far enough off-true that it messes with your vision and balance if you’re not careful. Or if part of you relies on an exoskeleton to function. “You okay there, Zeno?” I flick a glance and grin towards Leroy. “I’m seventy-one, godammit. Been doing this war shit […]
Scortan Hunting - 365tomorrows