

The Hot Equations - 365tomorrows
The Hot Equations - 365tomorrows
Author: Rainbow Heartshine We have enough feathers for a couple of mattresses now. I’m not such an awful person as to use so, but how are you supposed to dispose of angel down? Whether they count as the real thing is over my head, theologically. It shouldn’t be. When she showed up and explained, I […]
The Hot Equations - 365tomorrows
PodCastle 757: TALES FROM THE VAULTS - Harlequin Moon - PodCastle
PodCastle 757: TALES FROM THE VAULTS - Harlequin Moon - PodCastle
Harlequin Moon by Jennifer Hykes The man called Dirt was a master of riddles. It was his only gift. He was not a riddler himself. From the time he could speak, he always called things exactly what they were and nothing else. He had tried, once or twice in his childhood, to craft a joke […]
PodCastle 757: TALES FROM THE VAULTS - Harlequin Moon - PodCastle