Millennium | VQR Online

Daily Science Fiction :: Cryopreservation Archaeology by Anastasia Kharlamova
Daily Science Fiction is an on-line magazine specializing in science fiction, fantasy, and everything in between. A new story is published every weekday and sent to subscribers via e-mail, and stories appear a week later on
Hearts of Stone |
Deadlines - 365tomorrows
PodCastle 735: The Artists' Colony - PodCastle
The Artists’ Colony Patrick Freyne Dear ______, I think you would love it here. It’s so peaceful and you were always saying, back in the city, that we needed to get away. So let me describe what I can see from my writing desk. Outside my window I can see a silver lake which […]
PodCastle 734: An Incomplete Account of the Case of the Bird-Talker of Yaro
An Incomplete Account of the Case of the Bird-Talker of Yaros by Eleanna Castroianni PANAYOTIS M., interviewed by Eleni Haji, November 1975 When I first saw her, she was covered in wings. Sea birds flocked to her as if she was honey and they were the bees. Watching from the men’s prison, we […]
PodCastle 733: Flash Fiction Extravaganza - Rough Patches - PodCastle
Water We Made to Breathe By Marisca Pichette When we were fourteen we went looking for the ocean at the heart of the woods. I remember the smell: earth and algae and damp, air thick as water. Our sweat mixing with the summer sun, our clothes in a pile on the shore. Max jumped in, […]
PodCastle 732: Fire in His Eyes, Blood on His Teeth - PodCastle
Fire In His Eyes, Blood On His Teeth By R.S.A. Garcia He comes to me with fire in his eyes and blood on his teeth. Sometimes the blood is his enemies’. Sometimes it’s mine. Eventually, it’s mine. Always. He is different today, striding across the sandy soil toward my home with scuffed, much-mended boots. […]
Strange Horizons - The Shangri-La Affair (Part 2 of 2) By Lavie Tidhar
Strange Horizons - The Shangri-La Affair (Part 1 of 2) By Lavie Tidhar
Subterranean Press Fiction: Seven Views of Olduvai Gorge by Mike Resnick
Subterranean Press Fiction: The Tomb of the Pontifex Dvorn by Robert Silverberg
Subterranean Press He Who Grew Up Reading Sherlock Holmes
Mail Order – AEscifi
Practical Childcare Considerations for Knights Errant - Fantasy Magazine
Alice is Much Farther Than She Appears - Fantasy Magazine
Short fiction
Note: most of my short fiction is available for free on various internet archives. Where the work is only available in a print or ebook anthology, I’ve linked to Barnes and Noble or Amazon. &…
A Preliminary Study of Humans Under Beastly Enchantments and Covid-19
(As per current conventions, the identities of the authors have been misted for their protection. Authorized users may be able to view…
Tweeting, by Mari Ness
Otherwise, this whole being a bird thing? Not bad. Not bad at all.
This Is the Moment, Or One of Them - Apex Magazine
PodCastle 731: The Travel Guide to the Dimension of Lost Things - PodCastle
The Travel Guide to the Dimension of Lost Things By Effie Seiberg Have you ever felt so tired that you just don’t feel anymore? Where you wake up, burrowed under the covers with a shaft of light somehow piercing through them and right into your brain, and realize that here comes one more day […]
The Sky that Wraps the World Round, Past the Blue and Into the Black by Jay Lake : Clarkesworld Magazine – Science Fiction & Fantasy
Daily Science Fiction :: Chameleon by Colin Harvey
Daily Science Fiction :: Worlds Like a Hundred Thousand Pearls by Aliette de Bodard
Daily Science Fiction :: The Princess of the Perfume River by Aliette de Bodard
The Dark Birds - Apex Magazine
My mother had daughters year after year, and one by one, my father devoured us.
Next Station, Shibuya - Apex Magazine
Mag, the Habitat and We - Apex Magazine
The Screams of Dragons
Side by Side - 365tomorrows