"Paperwork" by Hannibal Tabu — Fictionaut

"Calm Face" by Bud Smith — Fictionaut
"Starmen Live in Stars" by Henry Arroyo — Fictionaut
"Moon Boy's Love" by JP Kemmick — Fictionaut
"Let Me Drown" by Christian Bell — Fictionaut
"Tree voices (revised)" by Mathew Paust — Fictionaut
"The Silver Lady" by J.A. Pak — Fictionaut
"The Stairway" by Donnie Wesley Baines — Fictionaut
"Timmy's Singularity" by Dan Frazier — Fictionaut
"Secrets of the Kama Sutra" by Jake Barnes — Fictionaut
"It'll Take Your Watch and Wallet (But It'll Leave You So Much More)" by Susan Tarrier — Fictionaut
"Adam, Eve and the Indie Author" by Alison Wells — Fictionaut
"ALL THE BASTARDS AND ME" by Eric Boyd — Fictionaut
"Ice Bar" by Niya C. Sisk — Fictionaut
"Journey of Thade" by Jackie Bole — Fictionaut
"The Rainbow Clockwerkz" by Hugh Barlow — Fictionaut
"Arcana Magi Divine" by H-M Brown — Fictionaut
"Untitled NaNo Project" by Ingrid K. V. Hardy — Fictionaut
"Michael & The Reaper" by Stephanie Soden — Fictionaut
"The Strange Edge: Have I Stumbled Upon a New Idear? (Blog)" by G. Arthur Brown — Fictionaut
"Looney Tunes" by Jack Swenson — Fictionaut
"Red Hot Hyperbole" by Phoebe Wilcox — Fictionaut
"The Astounding Adventures of Cyril Bright" by G. Arthur Brown — Fictionaut
"Faces" by John Riley — Fictionaut
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