Four Short Pieces by Matthew Kirshman

Me and Borges by Jefferson Navicky
After the Robing of the Bride by Hannah E. Phinney
Preparing by David Oates
The Poet's Resistance by Jason Walker
The Elevator and Chapters by Michal Ajvaz
A Loss of Innocence by Paul Blaney
The Fractal Tamer by Holly Saiki
Selfcontained by Judy Darley
The Kiss - Nightmare Magazine
Dear Owner of This 1972 Ford Crew Cab Pickup - Nightmare Magazine
We Now Pause for Station Identification - Nightmare Magazine
Prime Numbers : 365 tomorrows : A New Flash of Science Fiction Every Day
The Last Witness of Memories : 365 tomorrows : A New Flash of Science Fiction Every Day
Hate the Player : 365 tomorrows : A New Flash of Science Fiction Every Day
Exhibit 15 by Vicente Luis Mora
The Ghost Children of Hole Twelve by Patrick Cosgrove
The Man on the Plane by Tom Whalen
At Hiverblue Lake by Katy Wimhurst
Three Stories by Ian Seed
The King's Man by Ned Thimmayya
They Only Look Like They're Smiling by Venita Blackburn
The Theory of G by D. Harlan Wilson
Timing Is Everything by Brianne Holmes
Pete and the Elephant by Nikolaj Volgushev
Getting Ready to Go by JP Briggs
Afterimages by Sabrina Starnaman
The Real Atlas by Trevor Shikaze
The Neighbor and The Swing by Agustín Cadena
This Neil Armstrong Is Not Dead by David Stevens