ATONEMENT • by Kimberly Caldwell | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.

LONG WALK, SHORT MESA • by Perry McDaid | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
Strange Horizons Fiction: Ovando, by Jamaica Kincaid
Strange Horizons Fiction: Glaciers Made You, by Gabby Reed
Strange Horizons Fiction: The World in Evening, by Jei D. Marcade
The Waitress : 365 tomorrows : A New Flash of Science Fiction Every Day
SURVIVOR GUILT • by Robert Kibble | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
FREE IRON • by I. K. Paterson-Harkness | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
CAMPAIGN BUTTON • by Joyce Barton | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
HOW TO CLEAN OUT A CUPBOARD • by Cheryl Powell | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
AT APOCALYPSE’S EDGE • by Rebecca Birch | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
YESTERDAY • by J.T. Toman | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
I, ROBERT • by Chris Ovenden | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
CHEQUES HE SENDS ME • by Rosalie Kempthorne | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
THE LIES BENEATH • by Jeff Hurt | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
THE GOD MARK • by Brian Toups | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
TURING IN REVERSE • by David Cleden | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
THE COUNSELOR • by Kendall Furlong | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
LAUGHING LARRY • by Derek McMillan | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
REMEMBERING THE DRAGON • by Aidan Doyle | Every Day Fiction - The once a day flash fiction magazine.
Strange Horizons Fiction: The World in Evening, by Jei D. Marcade
Strange Horizons Fiction: Bodies Are the Strongest Conductors, by James Robert Herndon
A Revolution of One | Apex Magazine
The Best Little Cleaning Robot in All of Faerie | Apex Magazine
Inhale | Apex Magazine
John Dillinger and the Blind Magician | Apex Magazine
Inhabiting Your Skin | Apex Magazine
Proximity | Apex Magazine
Foreclosure | Apex Magazine
Wildcat (from The Secret Diary of Donna Hooks) | Apex Magazine