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City of Light: Origins - 365tomorrows
City of Light: Origins - 365tomorrows
Author: Maria Brekke Myrna zipped toward the city. A ten-ton mosquito pursued her, wings drumming annihilation. Colony security was rudimentary, but her kidnapping had raised insectile alarms. She leaned hard across her hoverboard, praying her cargo was secure as she banked. The mosquito’s three-meter proboscis stabbed the air to her side. Myrna straightened, ready to […]
City of Light: Origins - 365tomorrows
Poems Written While
Poems Written While
I believe in stars. I may be alone, my body a minefield and my life a fucking farce, but at least I have that. The night is humid and warm, sticks to our skin like a wet T-shirt. Luz pokes the fire wi…
Poems Written While
Love at the Event Horizon - Uncanny Magazine
Love at the Event Horizon - Uncanny Magazine
I never thought I’d want to make a film about the Lost Countrymen and the ghosts that haunt their ship. It’s been years since my brief time with them, but how could I forget them, the ghosts muttering to themselves about worlds long gone? Eyes starry wide, dreaming of a future Earth that would receive […]
Love at the Event Horizon - Uncanny Magazine
Scar Tissue - 365tomorrows
Scar Tissue - 365tomorrows
Author: Sean MacKendrick Ava touched the seam where Ethan’s robotic foot joined his shin. She stared up at her grandfather in awe. “Can you feel anything with it?” Ethan forced a smile on his face. “Some basic sensory input. It helps me walk better when I can feel the ground.” “You’ve had it for a […]
Scar Tissue - 365tomorrows
Incident at Station 48 - 365tomorrows
Incident at Station 48 - 365tomorrows
Author: David Dumouriez THIS IS NOT A DRILL! REPEAT: THIS IS NOT A DRILL! Lieutenant-Commander Rane had received the warning minutes before the alarm sounded. The destiny that nobody wanted was hers. It was happening on her watch. Eight distinct generations of ‘peacekeepers’ had been trained and deployed at Station 48 without any sign of […]
Incident at Station 48 - 365tomorrows
Encounters of the Old Kind - 365tomorrows
Encounters of the Old Kind - 365tomorrows
Author: Julian Miles, Staff Writer The clearing lies deserted in the last light of the moon. Amidst the silver glow, two indistinct figures flicker into view, sat on the weathered altar stone at the centre. Of the two, the smaller is clearer, appearing as a pale woman with translucent butterfly wings. The larger is greener […]
Encounters of the Old Kind - 365tomorrows