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via Susan Rivas

June 07, 2024 at 05:50PM

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7 reasons why a Pisces man will come back after no contact (with a few surprises)
7 reasons why a Pisces man will come back after no contact (with a few surprises)

7 reasons why a Pisces man will come back after no contact (with a few surprises)

Will a Pisces man come back after no contact?

Imagine your Pisces guy has gone radio silent, and you’re left wondering if he’ll ever swim back into your life.

I’ve been there, and it’s like trying to catch a fish with your bare hands.

I’m Laura Petit, evolutionary astrologer, and I’ve seen the emotional tides of Pisces men shift and turn over the years.

Let’s dive into their mysterious psyche and uncover why they might return after no contact.

And, if you’re curious about the true nature of this intriguing zodiac sign, check out our article about the Pisces man’s personality traits.

Key Takeaways

A Pisces man might come back after no contact.

Their introspective nature often leads them to reflect deeply on their feelings.

However, this period can also cause them to withdraw further.

Watch out for signs of emotional detachment.

  1. The Power of Emotional Reflection

Pisces men are like deep-sea divers in the ocean of emotions.

When they go silent, it’s usually because they’re diving deep into their feelings.

This no-contact phase is their way of processing what went wrong and what they truly feel about you.

Some people think this introspection is good.

They believe it leads to clarity and a possible reconciliation.

Others, however, argue that it might push him further away, causing him to drown in his own thoughts.

From my experience, I’ve seen both sides.

One of my clients, Marie, had her Pisces ex come back after three months of no contact.

He admitted he needed that time to sort out his feelings and realized he missed their emotional connection.

However, another client, Sophie, never heard back from her Pisces ex.

He got lost in his own world and moved on without looking back.

What makes Pisces men unique is their natural empathy.

They feel deeply and often put themselves in others’ shoes.

This empathy can make them reconsider their decisions and return to you, seeking to mend the emotional bond.

Tip: Give a Pisces man the space to reflect but drop subtle reminders of your presence.

A thoughtful text or a shared memory can rekindle his feelings.

  1. The Call of Nostalgia

Pisces men are sentimental souls.

They often get lost reminiscing about the good times you shared.

They’ll replay those happy memories like a favorite movie, feeling every emotion all over again.

Some folks think this nostalgia is a surefire way to bring him back.

They believe he’ll miss those moments so much that he’ll come running back to you.

Others, though, see it as just a temporary emotional high.

They worry he’ll get his fix of those memories and then move on, leaving you hanging.

From my experience, nostalgia can be a powerful tool.

I remember a client, Sarah, whose Pisces ex started texting her about the fun dates they used to have.

He missed their late-night talks and silly adventures.

Eventually, those memories pulled him back to her.

But it’s not just about the past.

Creating new positive memories can reignite his desire to return.

Plan a casual meetup or send him a light-hearted text about something funny that happened.

These small gestures can remind him of the connection you shared and make him want to come back for more.

When a Pisces man goes through a no contact phase, he often reflects deeply on these shared moments, which can make him come back, seeking to relive those emotional highs.

Tip: Use nostalgia to your advantage, but also focus on creating new, happy moments that can draw him back.

  1. The Influence of Cosmic Timing

Astrological influences can play a big role in a Pisces man’s decisions.

As a water sign, he’s deeply connected to the ebb and flow of the cosmos.

This means that timing can be everything when it comes to reconciliation.

Some people swear by astrological timing.

They believe that certain planetary movements, like Mercury retrograde, can push a Pisces man to rethink his choices and come back to you.

Others are more skeptical, thinking it’s all just a bunch of hocus-pocus.

Let me tell you, though, I’ve seen it happen.

During a Mercury retrograde, communication mishaps are common, but it’s also a time for introspection and revisiting the past.

I had a friend, Emma, whose Pisces ex reached out during one of these retrogrades.

He wanted to talk about their past and see if they could make things work again.

So, keep an eye on those astrological events.

They might just give your Pisces man the nudge he needs to come back into your life.

Tip: Pay attention to astrological events like Mercury retrograde. They can be the perfect time for a Pisces man to reconsider and reconnect.

Insider Tips: Cracking The Pisces Man Code

Understanding the intricacies of a Pisces man’s love language is crucial for anyone seeking to capture his heart, especially when it comes to getting him back after no contact.

In order to avoid potential miscommunications and pitfalls, it’s essential to arm yourself with the knowledge found in Anna Kovach’s guide on Pisces men’s love language secrets.

This comprehensive resource offers invaluable insights into their unique desires, preferences, and communication styles.

For instance, did you know that a simple text message containing a mysterious question can ignite a Pisces man’s curiosity and keep him hooked for hours?

Discover more fascinating techniques and avoid fatal mistakes by diving into Anna Kovach’s guide today.

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10 proven strategies to make a Pisces man miss you deeply (and pitfalls to avoid)

  1. The Allure of Unresolved Mysteries

Pisces men are like detectives of the heart.

They’re drawn to the unknown and can’t resist solving emotional mysteries.

When there are unresolved issues, it’s like an itch they need to scratch.

Some people think this curiosity is a good thing.

They believe it can lead to closure and possibly rekindle the relationship.

Others, however, worry that it just prolongs the emotional turmoil, leaving both parties stuck in limbo.

I remember a client, Jake, whose Pisces ex kept coming back to discuss their unfinished business.

He couldn’t let go of the “what-ifs” and “maybes.”

This curiosity eventually led them to have a heart-to-heart, which brought them closer.

Leaving some aspects of your relationship open-ended can pique his curiosity and draw him back.

Don’t spill all the beans right away.

Leave a little mystery, and let him wonder about what could be.

As Albert Einstein once said,

“The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reason for existing.”

When a Pisces man goes through a no contact phase, his curiosity about unresolved issues can make him come back to seek closure and understanding.

Tip: Keep a bit of mystery alive. It can be a powerful magnet to draw a curious Pisces man back into your life.

  1. The Healing Power of Space

Space can be a powerful healer for a Pisces man.

When he goes quiet, he’s often using that time to heal and gain perspective.

This no-contact rule phase can help him process his emotions and figure out what he truly wants.

Some argue that giving him space is the best thing you can do.

They believe it leads to healing and a clearer mind.

Others, however, worry that too much space can cause emotional detachment, making him drift further away.

I’ve seen both outcomes.

One of my clients, Laura, gave her Pisces ex some space, and he came back after realizing how much he missed their emotional connection.

But another client, Tom, found that his Pisces ex used the space to move on completely.

The key is balance.

Give him the space he needs but also gently remind him of your presence.

A thoughtful message or a shared memory can keep the connection alive.

As they say, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” but don’t let him forget about you entirely.

Tip: Balance space with gentle reminders of your affection. This can help a Pisces man heal and find his way back to you.

  1. Growth Glow-Up: How Your Personal Evolution Attracts Him

Pisces men are big on emotional and spiritual growth.

When they see you evolving and glowing up, it can draw them back like a magnet.

They admire personal development and love seeing you become the best version of yourself.

Some folks believe that showing off your personal growth can attract a Pisces man back into your life.

They think he’ll be intrigued by your transformation and want to reconnect.

Others, however, argue that your growth should be for you, not to win someone back.

They see it as a path to moving on.

I’ve seen this work wonders.

One of my clients, Lily, focused on her personal growth after a breakup.

She started new hobbies, worked on her fitness, and embraced a more positive outlook on life.

Her Pisces ex noticed her transformation and was drawn back to her, fascinated by her evolution.

Even in my own life, I’ve experienced this.

After a tough breakup, I threw myself into learning astrology and palmistry.

Not only did it help me heal, but it also caught the attention of my ex, who was intrigued by my newfound passion and growth.

The key is to showcase your growth in subtle ways.

Post about your new hobbies or achievements on social media.

Share your journey with mutual friends.

These small glimpses of your progress can reignite his interest and admiration.

Tip: Embrace your personal growth and let it shine. It’s attractive and can draw a Pisces man back into your life.

You may also like: If a Pisces Man Displays These 7 Traits, He’s Jealous and Possessive (How to Deal With It)

  1. Social Web: The Influence of Mutual Connections on His Return

Mutual friends and shared social circles can play a big role in a Pisces man’s decision to come back.


7 reasons why a Pisces man will come back after no contact (with a few surprises)
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via Susan Rivas

June 06, 2024 at 05:50PM

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7 non-obvious reasons why a Libra man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid)
7 non-obvious reasons why a Libra man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid)

7 non-obvious reasons why a Libra man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid)

Why that charming Libra man you dated seems to reappear just when you thought you were over him?

Today, we’ll explore seven compelling reasons why a Libra man might come back after a period of no contact and the critical mistakes to avoid.

We’ll dive into the psyche of a Libra man, revealing what it looks like inside their minds, why this behavior divides opinions, and my personal take on the matter.

Hi, I’m Laura Petit, and as an evolutionary astrologer, I’ve spent years helping people navigate their relationships.

Join me as we dig deeper into this intriguing topic.

And, if you’re curious about the true nature of this intriguing zodiac sign, check out our article about the Libra man’s personality.

Key Takeaways: Will a Libra Man Come Back After No Contact?

A Libra man might come back after no contact due to his desire for balance, reflection, and familiarity. However, be cautious of potential red flags like unresolved issues and emotional instability.

  1. Balancing Act: The Libra’s Quest for Harmony

Libra men are inherently drawn to balance and harmony.

They often return to past relationships to restore equilibrium.

This balance-seeking nature is a core part of their personality traits.

Unlike other zodiac signs, a Libra man’s quest for harmony can make him nostalgic for the peace and balance you once shared.

He might remember the harmonious environment you created together and feel a strong pull to return.

I’ve seen this firsthand with clients who rekindled relationships after understanding this trait.

However, acting impulsively or emotionally when he reaches out can disrupt the balance he’s seeking.

For example, a friend of mine once rushed to confront her Libra ex about their past issues as soon as he reached out.

This overwhelmed him and pushed him away again.

Instead, approach the situation with empathy and patience.

Understand that his return is likely driven by a desire to restore harmony, not to reopen old wounds.

Tip: When a Libra man reaches out, stay calm and composed. Avoid emotional outbursts to maintain the balance he seeks.

  1. Mirror, Mirror: The Power of Reflection

Libras are reflective by nature.

They often reconsider past decisions, including breakups.

This reflective quality can lead a Libra man to return after a period of no contact.

During this time, he might have realized the value of your relationship.

I’ve had clients tell me how their Libra ex-partners came back after months of introspection, realizing they missed the intellectual and emotional connection.

However, bombarding him with questions or demands can overwhelm him and push him away again.

Think of it like this: a Libra man needs space to process his thoughts and emotions.

When he reaches out, it’s a sign that he’s done some serious thinking.

A client of mine once shared how her Libra ex returned after a long no-contact period, only to be met with a barrage of questions.

He felt cornered and retreated once more.

Instead, give him the space to express his thoughts and feelings at his own pace.

This approach respects his reflective nature and can help rebuild trust.

Tip: When a Libra man returns, listen more than you speak. Allow him to share his reflections without pressure.

  1. Home Sweet Home: The Comfort of Familiarity

Libra men are comforted by familiar environments and people.

They thrive on the predictability and comfort of known spaces and faces.

This can be a strong pull for him to come back.

Think of it like this: a Libra man loves the cozy feeling of coming home after a long day.

Your past relationship might feel like that cozy home to him.

I remember a client, Emily, who told me how her Libra ex came back after months apart.

He missed the familiar routines and the comfort of their shared life.

Trying to change too much about yourself or the relationship can make him feel like he’s stepping into unknown territory.

This can be unsettling for a Libra.

Instead, focus on the positive aspects of your previous relationship that brought you both joy and comfort.

This doesn’t mean you should ignore past issues, but rather, approach them with a sense of familiarity and understanding.

Tip: Emphasize the comforting and familiar aspects of your relationship to help a Libra man feel at ease and drawn back to you.

Insider Tips: Cracking The Libra Man Code

Understanding the intricacies of a Libra man’s love language is crucial for anyone seeking to capture his heart, especially when it comes to getting him back.

In order to avoid potential miscommunications and pitfalls, it’s essential to arm yourself with the knowledge found in Anna Kovach’s guide on Libra men’s love language secrets.

This comprehensive resource offers invaluable insights into their unique desires, preferences, and communication styles.

For instance, did you know that a simple text message containing a mysterious question can ignite a Libra man’s curiosity and keep him hooked for hours?

Discover more fascinating techniques and avoid fatal mistakes by diving into Anna Kovach’s guide today.

You may also like:

Don’t Chase a Libra man: 10 Reasons It Might Be Your Biggest Mistake Ever

11 Undeniable Signs a Libra Man Likes You (By an Astrology Pro)

  1. Whispers in the Wind: External Influences

Libras often value the opinions of those around them.

They might return after receiving advice from friends or family.

His social circle’s positive view of you can significantly influence his decision to come back.

Libras are social creatures and often rely on the perspectives of their loved ones.

I’ve seen this play out many times with my clients.

For instance, my friend Sarah’s Libra ex returned after his best friend reminded him of all the good times they had together.

Isolating a Libra man during a no contact period or speaking negatively about his friends and family can create a barrier.

Libras value harmony in all aspects of life, including their social situations.

So, if his friends and family support the idea of your reunion, it’s a big plus.

Instead of isolating him, try to maintain good relationships with his close ones.

This can create a supportive environment for your relationship to flourish again.

Tip: Keep a positive relationship with his friends and family. Their support can significantly influence his decision to come back.

  1. Unfinished Symphony: The Lure of Unresolved Feelings

Unresolved emotions can draw a Libra man back.

He might seek closure or clarity.

But often, it’s about exploring if those unresolved feelings could reignite the relationship.

Libra men don’t like loose ends.

I’ve had clients who were surprised when their Libra exes returned to sort out lingering emotions.

Ignoring or dismissing his attempts to discuss past issues can leave him feeling unheard and push him away.

For example, a client of mine, Rachel, shared how her Libra ex came back wanting to talk about their breakup.

She initially brushed it off, thinking it was best to move on.

But this only made him feel more confused and disconnected.

Instead, listen to his concerns and address them openly.

This can help both of you understand each other better and potentially rebuild a stronger bond.

Tip: When a Libra man returns with unresolved feelings, listen and discuss openly. It can help mend and strengthen your relationship.

  1. Phoenix Rising: The Appeal of New Beginnings

Libra men are naturally optimistic about new beginnings.

They might return hoping for a fresh start.

For a Libra man, no contact can feel like hitting the reset button, offering a chance to rebuild the relationship on better terms.

I’ve seen this with my client, Jake, who rekindled his relationship after a break.

He saw the time apart as an opportunity to start over with a clean slate.

However, bringing up old grievances immediately can hinder the potential for a fresh start.

It’s like trying to plant new flowers in a garden full of weeds. Instead, focus on creating new, positive memories together.

Show him that you’ve grown and learned from past mistakes.

This approach can make the idea of a fresh start more appealing and less daunting for him.

Tip: Embrace the chance for a fresh start. Avoid rehashing old issues right away to keep the optimism alive.

  1. Mind Meld: The Draw of Intellectual Stimulation

Libra men value intellectual connections deeply.

They might return if they miss the stimulating conversations you shared.

Your ability to engage him intellectually can be a unique draw that other relationships lack.

I remember my friend, Alex, who always had the best debates with her Libra ex.

When he reached out after months, it was clear he missed those deep, thought-provoking talks.

However, focusing solely on emotional or physical aspects of the relationship without nurturing the intellectual bond can be a mistake.

Libra men crave mental stimulation.

They thrive on discussions that challenge their thinking and broaden their perspectives.

So, when he comes back, make sure to engage him in meaningful conversations.

Discuss books, ideas, or even current events that interest both of you.

This can reignite the spark and remind him why he was drawn to you in the first place.

Tip: Keep the intellectual spark alive. Engage him in stimulating conversations to remind him of your unique connection.


In summary, there are seven compelling reasons why a Libra man might come back after no contact.

These include seeking balance, reflecting on past decisions, craving familiarity, valuing external influences, dealing with unresolved feelings, hoping for new beginnings, and missing intellectual stimulation.

Understanding these reasons and avoiding the mistakes can lead to a healthier, more balanced relationship with a Libra man.

Personally, I believe

7 non-obvious reasons why a Libra man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid)
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from Sons Of Universe


via Susan Rivas

June 05, 2024 at 06:50PM

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9 surprising reasons why a Taurus man will come back after no contact (plus dos and donts) Tap link in Bio for our Magazine's article #daretodream #impossibleisnothing #ivegotthis #taurus #zodiacsigns #astrology #horoscope
9 surprising reasons why a Taurus man will come back after no contact (plus dos and donts) Tap link in Bio for our Magazine's article #daretodream #impossibleisnothing #ivegotthis #taurus #zodiacsigns #astrology #horoscope

9 surprising reasons why a Taurus man will come back after no contact (plus dos and don’ts) Tap link in Bio for our 🌞 Magazine's article

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from Sons Of Universe


via Susan Rivas

June 05, 2024 at 08:50AM

9 surprising reasons why a Taurus man will come back after no contact (plus dos and donts) Tap link in Bio for our Magazine's article #daretodream #impossibleisnothing #ivegotthis #taurus #zodiacsigns #astrology #horoscope
8 not-so-obvious reasons why a Scorpio man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid)
8 not-so-obvious reasons why a Scorpio man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid)

8 not-so-obvious reasons why a Scorpio man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid)

Scorpio men are like emotional ninjas, sneaking back into your life when you least expect it. Ever wonder why they do that?

In today’s article, we’ll unveil the reasons behind the Scorpio man’s mysterious come back after periods of no contact. We’ll explore everything from emotional magnetism to the allure of mystery and even subconscious desires.

Spoiler alert: it’s not always about true love. We’ll also highlight common mistakes to avoid, helping you navigate these complex dynamics.

Ready to uncover the secrets behind a Scorpio man’s return?

And, if you’re curious about the true nature of this intriguing zodiac sign, check out our article about the Scorpio man’s traits.

Key Takeaways

Will a Scorpio man come back after no contact? He often does, due to unresolved emotions, a need for control, or nostalgia. But beware of emotional manipulation and ensure your own needs are met.

  1. Why He Can’t Stay Away

Scorpio men are like deep, mysterious oceans. Their emotional depth is intense and often magnetic. As water signs, their feelings run deep, and their passionate nature can be overwhelming.

When a Scorpio man has unresolved feelings, it can pull him back to you like a magnet. He’s not just thinking about you; he’s feeling everything deeply, almost like he’s reliving every moment.

But here’s the kicker. Some people see this as a sign of true love. They believe that his return is because he genuinely cares and wants to resolve things.

Others, however, think it’s more about emotional manipulation. They argue that he’s coming back to keep you emotionally hooked.

I’ve experienced this firsthand. One of my Scorpio exes returned after months of no contact, saying he couldn’t stop thinking about our time together. It sounded romantic, but I quickly realized he was more interested in keeping me emotionally tangled than actually resolving anything.

It’s important to recognize the type of woman who can handle this intense emotional pull and set boundaries to protect her own heart.

Tip: Don’t ignore your own emotional needs. Make sure you’re not just getting pulled into his emotional whirlpool without considering your own well-being.

  1. Rekindling the Flame

Scorpio men are like walking enigmas. Their mysterious nature is often what makes them so irresistible.

They love the excitement of rekindling a relationship, almost like it’s a thrilling new adventure. This allure of mystery can be intoxicating, drawing you back in.

However, opinions are split on this. Some people see this as incredibly romantic. They think it’s all about the passion and excitement of rediscovering each other.

Others, though, believe it’s more of a game for the Scorpio man. They argue that he enjoys the chase and the power it gives him.

I’ve been there. One Scorpio man I dated loved to keep things mysterious. He would disappear and reappear, keeping me on my toes. It was exciting at first, but I soon realized I was losing my own sense of mystery by being too available.

As a strong woman, maintaining a healthy social life and sticking to the no contact rule can help you keep your own sense of allure when a Scorpio man decides to come back.

This way, you don’t lose yourself in his game and can keep the balance in your favor.

Tip: Maintain your own sense of mystery. Don’t fall into the trap of being too available and losing your own allure.

  1. Power Plays and Closure Cravings

Scorpio men, right? They’re like emotional detectives, always needing to get to the bottom of things.

When a Scorpio man comes back after a no-contact period, it’s often because he needs control and closure. He wants to tie up those loose ends and make sense of what happened.

Now, this can be a bit of a mixed bag. Some folks think this is super healthy—like he’s trying to clean up the emotional mess and move forward.

But others see it as a bit of a power play. It’s like he’s trying to be the director of the relationship movie, making sure everything goes according to his script.

In my own life, I’ve seen both sides. There was this one time my Scorpio ex popped back in, saying he needed to “talk things through.” At first, I thought, “Wow, he’s really mature.” But soon, it felt more like he was trying to control the narrative.

Especially during difficult life situations, his intense emotions made it clear he wasn’t just seeking closure; he wanted control.

Tip: Make sure you’re not just playing a part in his story. Set your own terms and stick to them.

Insider Tip: Cracking The Scorpio Man Code

Understanding the intricacies of a Scorpio man’s love language is crucial for anyone seeking to capture his heart, especially when it comes to winning his heart back.

In order to avoid potential miscommunications and pitfalls, it’s essential to arm yourself with the knowledge found in Anna Kovach’s guide on Scorpio men’s love language secrets.

This comprehensive resource offers invaluable insights into their unique desires, preferences, and communication styles.

For instance, did you know that a simple text message containing a mysterious question can ignite a Scorpio man’s curiosity and keep him hooked for hours?

Discover more fascinating techniques and avoid fatal mistakes by diving into Anna Kovach’s guide today.

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14 Subtle Turn-Offs for a Scorpio Man to Avoid at All Costs

  1. When the Past Calls

Nostalgia is a sneaky little thing, isn’t it? For Scorpio men, it’s like a magnet pulling them back to you.

They remember every little detail—the way you laughed at his jokes, your favorite restaurant, those late-night talks. It’s all so vivid for them, and that sentimental pull can be really strong.

But here’s where it gets tricky. Some people see this as a sign of genuine affection. They think, “Wow, he really cherishes those memories.” Others, though, think he’s just trying to escape reality by diving back into the good old days, ignoring why things went south in the first place.

I’ve been there myself. One of my Scorpio exes came back, waxing poetic about our past. It was all so tempting to dive back in.

But then I remembered why we broke up. It wasn’t all sunshine and roses. Nostalgia can be a bit of a trickster, making you forget the not-so-great parts.

Tip: Enjoy the memories, but don’t let them blind you. Keep one foot in reality and remember why things ended.

  1. Transformations That Bring Him Back

Scorpio men are like the phoenix, always rising from the ashes. They thrive on personal growth and transformation, especially during periods of no contact.

When a Scorpio man steps away, he often uses that time to reflect and evolve. This growth can be a big reason he decides to come back. He might return with fresh perspectives, having worked on himself, ready to reconnect on a deeper level.

But here’s where the debate kicks in. Some folks see this as genuine change, believing he’s truly transformed. Others, though, are a bit more cautious.

They wonder if this growth is just a temporary phase, like a New Year’s resolution that fizzles out by February. Think of it like someone suddenly getting into yoga and green smoothies—you’re not sure if it’ll last.

From my own experience, it’s vital not to assume he’s completely changed without seeing consistent actions over time.

I had a Scorpio ex who came back after a period of no contact, claiming he was a new man. At first, it seemed promising, but soon enough, the old habits crept back in. It was like watching a rerun of a show you’ve seen a hundred times.

Tip: Watch for consistent actions over time to ensure his personal growth is genuine and lasting.

You may like: 18 Surefire Ways to Make a Scorpio Man Chase You (and Fall for You)

  1. Cosmic Bonds: The Spiritual Pull

Scorpio men often feel connections on a deeper, almost spiritual level. This can be a powerful magnet, pulling them back to you even after a long no-contact period.

They might feel that your bond transcends physical separation, creating a sense of spiritual connection that’s hard to ignore.

But this idea splits opinions. Some people believe in the power of spiritual connections, thinking they can overcome any physical distance.

Others are more skeptical, viewing it as a romanticized notion that overlooks practical compatibility. It’s like believing in soulmates versus thinking it’s just a fairy tale.

I’ve felt this spiritual pull myself. An ex once told me he felt our connection was written in the stars, like something out of a romance novel.

While it was flattering, I had to remind myself that practical compatibility is just as important. You can’t build a relationship solely on spiritual ideals, no matter how enchanting they seem.

Tip: Balance spiritual connections with practical compatibility to ensure a healthy, grounded relationship.

  1. Outside Forces: When Life Nudges Him Back

Life is full of surprises, and sometimes, external factors like mutual friends, social media, or big life changes can play a huge role in a Scorpio man’s decision to come back.

Imagine scrolling through old photos on Facebook and seeing a picture of the two of you at a party. Memories flood back, and suddenly, he’s thinking about reaching out.

This idea divides opinions, though. Some people believe these external factors are legitimate reasons for reconnecting. They think it’s natural for mutual friends or shared experiences to bring people back together.

Others, however, see these reasons as superficial. They argue that a real, lasting relationship shouldn’t be influenced by such external circumstances.

I remember when an old Scorpio flame reappeared in my life after we both attended a mutual friend’s wedding. I

8 not-so-obvious reasons why a Scorpio man will come back after no contact (and traps to avoid)
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9 surprising reasons why a Taurus man will come back after no contact (plus dos and donts)
9 surprising reasons why a Taurus man will come back after no contact (plus dos and donts)

9 surprising reasons why a Taurus man will come back after no contact (plus dos and don’ts)

Navigating a relationship with a Taurus man can be both rewarding and challenging, especially when dealing with the no-contact rule.

Taurus men are known for their loyalty, stubbornness, and need for stability.

If you’re wondering whether a Taurus man will come back after no contact, in this article we’ll explore nine compelling reasons why he might and the common mistakes to avoid.

Understanding these dynamics can help you make informed decisions about your relationship and improve your chances of rekindling the connection.

And, if you’re curious about the true nature of this intriguing zodiac sign, check out our article about the Taurus man’s personality traits.

Key Takeaways: Will a Taurus Man Come Back After No Contact?

Stability is Key: Taurus men crave stability, which they may miss during no contact.

Visual Connection: Leveraging social media can reignite his interest.

Emotional Touchpoints: Shared meaningful experiences can rekindle the bond.

Red Flags: Be cautious of emotional manipulation and unrealistic expectations.

  1. Why He Misses Routine

Taurus men thrive on stability and routine.

When you implement the no-contact rule, he will start to miss the predictability you brought into his life.

This sense of stability is crucial for a Taurus man, and once he realizes its absence, he may be more inclined to reach out and reconnect.

Let’s say you used to have dinner together every Thursday.

He will notice when that routine is gone.

It’s like when you misplace your favorite coffee mug; everything feels off.

For Taurus men, routine is like that coffee mug—comforting and dependable.

When you take that away, it creates a void.

I once had a client whose Taurus ex started texting her out of the blue after three weeks of no contact.

He missed their Sunday morning jogs.

It wasn’t about the jogging itself but the stability and connection it represented.

So, if you’ve been a stable presence, he’ll likely miss that.

Tip: Create positive, stable memories that he will miss during the no-contact period.

  1. Keeping His Interest Alive

Taurus men are highly visual and appreciate beauty in all forms.

By maintaining an attractive social media presence, you can remind him of your allure.

Posting pictures and updates that highlight your best self can reignite his interest and make him question his decision to stay away.

Imagine scrolling through your feed and seeing someone who looks genuinely happy and radiant.

It’s hard not to feel a pull towards them.

Taurus men are no different.

They love beauty, not just in people but in art and nature too.

Given their astrological sign, which values aesthetics, this makes perfect sense.

I remember a friend who got her Taurus ex’s attention back by simply posting pictures of her hiking trips.

He loved the outdoors, and seeing her in those settings sparked memories of their adventures together.

It’s about creating a visual reminder of the good times and your ongoing growth.

If a Taurus man will come back after no contact, consistently showcasing these aspects can make a significant impact on his perception.

Since Taurus is an earth sign, rooted in the appreciation of the physical world, these reminders can be powerful.

Tip: Keep your social media active and positive to attract his attention without directly reaching out.

  1. Reconnecting Through Shared Experiences

Engaging in activities that hold significant meaning to him can be a powerful way to reconnect.

Whether it’s attending a concert of his favorite band or cooking his favorite meal, these emotional touchpoints can rekindle the bond you once shared.

For example, I once advised a friend to invite her Taurus ex to a small dinner party featuring his favorite cuisine.

The familiarity and comfort of the event brought back fond memories and opened a door to communication.

Taurus men appreciate gestures that show you remember and value the things they love.

Activities like these tap into shared experiences and create a sense of nostalgia, which can be incredibly effective.

It’s like hitting a reset button on your relationship, reminding him of why he was drawn to you in the first place.

If you’ve faced relationship issues, these shared moments can serve as a crucial factor in healing.

Taurus men, being devoted partners, need lots of time to feel secure again.

Tip: Plan an activity that you both enjoyed to help reignite your connection.

You may also like:

Taurus Man Secrets Unveiled: 10 Must-Know Things Before You Buy Anna Kovach’s Guide

12 Subtle Turn-Offs for a Taurus Man to Avoid at All Costs

7 Subtle Signs a Taurus Man Likes You (And 5 Misleading Signals to Ignore)

  1. Cracking The Taurus Man Code

Understanding the intricacies of a Taurus man’s love language is crucial for anyone seeking to capture his heart.

This especially when it comes to getting Taurus man back after no contact.

In order to avoid potential miscommunications and pitfalls, it’s essential to arm yourself with the knowledge found in Anna Kovach’s guide on Taurus men’s love language secrets.

This comprehensive resource offers invaluable insights into their unique desires, preferences, and communication styles.

For instance, did you know that a simple text message containing a mysterious question can ignite a Taurus man’s curiosity and keep him hooked for hours?

Discover more fascinating techniques and avoid fatal mistakes by diving into Anna Kovach’s guide today.

  1. Offering Emotional Support

Taurus men often return to relationships where they feel nurtured and supported.

By showing patience, loyalty, and understanding, you create a safe space for him to express his emotions.

This nurturing approach can make him reconsider the breakup and the comfort he finds in your presence.

Imagine how comforting it is to come home after a long day to someone who listens without judgment.

That’s what a Taurus man craves.

When my Taurus ex was going through a tough time, just being there to listen made a huge difference.

Creating this supportive environment can make him see you as his emotional anchor.

It’s about showing that you understand and respect his need for stability and security.

This also provides an opportunity for growth by addressing any underlying issues.

As a firm believer in positive reinforcement, avoiding a negativity cycle is crucial.

Tip: Be the rock he needs during difficult times to strengthen your bond.

  1. Evaluating Future Prospects

A Taurus man is likely to return if he sees long-term potential in the relationship.

If he believes that the issues are fixable and that the relationship has a solid foundation, he will be motivated to give it another chance.

Demonstrating your commitment to a future together can be a strong incentive for his return.

Once, I advised a couple to sit down and honestly discuss their future goals and dreams.

The Taurus partner appreciated this practical approach and felt reassured by the clear, shared vision.

It’s essential to show him that you’re committed to a long-term partnership.

Taurus men are known for their desire for stability and lasting relationships.

If you can prove that you’re in it for the long haul and willing to work through issues together, he’ll likely see the relationship as worth investing in again.

Relationship guides often highlight indirect signs, like his engagement in conversations about the future, to assess his commitment.

A Taurus man seeing you as an amazing partner in an actual relationship can be the deciding factor.

If a Taurus man will come back after no contact, showing that you are committed to the long term can make a big difference.

Tip: Have open discussions about your future together to reassure him of your commitment.

  1. Leveraging His Hedonistic Tendencies

Here’s a unique perspective: Taurus men are known hedonists who enjoy pleasure and comfort.

Creating environments or experiences that cater to these tendencies can draw him back.

Think along the lines of sensory pleasures like a beautifully set dinner or a cozy movie night.

These small, pleasurable experiences can make him miss the joy you bring into his life.

One time, I suggested to a friend that she plan a surprise dinner for her Taurus ex with all his favorite foods.

She set the table beautifully, dimmed the lights, and played soft music in the background.

It wasn’t just about the food; it was the whole experience that reminded him of the comfort and joy he felt with her.

Taurus men are drawn to these sensory experiences.

They appreciate beauty, good food, and a cozy environment.

So, if you can create moments that appeal to these senses, you’re more likely to rekindle his interest.

It’s about making him feel good and reminding him of the pleasures he enjoyed in your relationship.

Tip: Plan a sensory-rich experience to remind him of the joy and comfort he felt with you.

  1. Playing on His Desire for Ownership

Taurus men are inherently possessive.

If he perceives that you are moving on or that someone else might take his place, his possessive instincts might kick in.

This can prompt him to come back to reassert his place in your life.

It’s crucial, however, to handle this delicately to avoid manipulative tactics.

I remember my friend Lisa’s experience with her Taurus ex.

She started spending more time with her mutual friends, and he quickly noticed.

This sparked his possessive nature, and he began reaching out again, wanting to reclaim his spot.

Taurus men don’t like feeling replaced.

They need to feel like they are the most important part of your life.

However, it’s important not to play games.

Manipulation can backfire and damage trust.

Instead, show that you are moving forward in a healthy, genuine way.

Taurean people, like the loyal bull, value honesty and

9 surprising reasons why a Taurus man will come back after no contact (plus dos and donts)
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June 04, 2024 at 03:50AM

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If you think life is too short youre missing these 10 things to truly enjoy every moment. Tap link in Bio read our Magazine's article

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June 03, 2024 at 11:51PM

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If you think life is too short youre missing these 10 things to truly enjoy every moment
If you think life is too short youre missing these 10 things to truly enjoy every moment

If you think life is too short, you’re missing these 10 things to truly enjoy every moment

Life is too short, and you have to enjoy every single moment.

Do whatever you can to help people—not for status, but because the 95-year-old you will be proud if you did help people and disappointed if you didn’t” (Marshall Goldsmith).

In my twenty-plus years of delving into personal development and mindfulness, I’ve realized many of us overlook essential elements that truly enhance our daily lives.

Follow me today as we explore 10 key elements that help you seize every moment.

Trust me, embracing these will transform your outlook on life and bring more joy and fulfillment.

And, if you’re fascinated by self-development and personal growth, check out these facts about self improvement most people ignore.

  1. Seize the Day – Live Without Regrets

“The greatest pleasure of life is love,”

Euripides once said.

How true that rings in every corner of life!

In the daily rush, we often sideline this fundamental truth as we get bogged down by an endless to-do list.

We tend to prioritize tasks over the moments that truly nourish our souls.

For me, deliberately choosing to prioritize love has been transformative—it’s about aligning daily actions with what genuinely enriches our lives.

Embracing love does more than just feel good; it enhances well-being and transforms mundane interactions into meaningful experiences.

Remember, life is too short to not enjoy every moment with passion and purpose!

Experience life to its fullest expression, especially during tough times.

This commitment to living fully helps us navigate challenges with resilience and grace.

Tip: Incorporate “micro-adventures” into your routine to break the monotony.

Whether it’s visiting a new local spot or trying a new activity, these small adventures can reignite your zest for life.

You may also like: Regrets? We’ve had a few: the 10 biggest ‘wish I could go back in time’ moments

  1. Appreciate the Small Moments – Find Joy in the Mundane

“It always pays to dwell slowly on the beautiful things – the more beautiful the more slowly,” Atticus once observed.

Amid our ambitions and accumulations, it’s the subtle, everyday moments that are easily missed.

Consider the serene early morning hours, the earthy scent after a rain, or the laughter shared with friends—these simple joys are what make life truly rich.

Wayne Dyer would often emphasize the importance of conscious effort in appreciating these snippets that stitch together a beautiful life.

Amid our busy lives, I’ve found that practicing mindfulness helps me appreciate these moments more deeply, enriching my life and shifting my perspective on time and appreciation.

It’s a reminder to cherish the now and connect more deeply with the world around us.

Tip: Set aside time each day for sensory mindfulness.

Focus on the ambient sounds, the flavors of your food, or the touch of the wind.

This deeper engagement can profoundly enhance your appreciation for the simple joys in life.

  1. Make It Your Mango Day

Alan Watts really hit the nail on the head when he said,

“The only way to make sense out of change is to plunge into it, move with it, and join the dance.”

In my own life, I’ve seen how true this is.

Change can be intimidating, sure, but every time I’ve stepped into the unknown, whether it was a new city, a new job, or just a new way to my office, it’s opened up new horizons that I couldn’t have imagined.

Embracing change is about accepting that life is constantly flowing and that staying adaptable is the key to really living an inspirational life, not just existing.

Oprah Winfrey often speaks about life as a beautiful gift, urging us to use our precious time wisely.

I’ve learned that when you’re flexible, you’re ready to take on whatever life throws your way.

Tip: Try marking a day each month as your “planned spontaneity” day.

Let go of all your schedules, make no for plans, and just see where the day takes you.

Maybe on the beachfront, sipping a delightful mango juice? Just do it, who cares!

It could be something as simple as trying out a new restaurant or taking a different path during your evening walk.

It’s a refreshing way to break from routine and spice up your life a bit, because life is too short not to enjoy every moment.

  1. Value Quality Over Quantity

Leo Christopher once said, “There’s only one thing more precious than our time and that’s who we spend it on.”

This wisdom has become a cornerstone in my life.

In an era dominated by social media, it’s too easy to confuse the number of connections we have with the quality of those connections.

Yet, it’s the deep, meaningful relationships that truly enrich our lives.

These relationships are the precious gifts that sustain us through tough times and make our memories memorable.

They turn simple moments into celebrations and help us realize that wasting time on superficial interactions is a loss we can’t afford.

Investing in genuine relationships means dedicating quality time—undistracted and intentional—to those who matter most.

Tip: Implement a “digital detox day” with your circle.

Pick a day to shut off all gadgets and focus solely on each other.

Spending this time together—whether you’re chatting over coffee, exploring nature, or playing board games—builds stronger bonds and creates experiences that are more valuable than any digital interaction.

Let these moments be your positive quotes in action, reminding you and yours of the joy of just being together.

  1. Live Authentically – Be True to Yourself

“To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people just exist,”

Oscar Wilde famously said.

It’s a poignant reminder not to fall into the trap of living a life that others expect of you.

Authenticity means living in alignment with your true self and your own desires and values, not those imposed by others.

It’s not always easy, I know.

There’s pressure all around to conform, to chase what everyone else is chasing.

But every time I’ve chosen to be true to my own passions and values, the fulfillment has been immeasurable.

Abraham Lincoln once remarked that we often forget that time with friends and creating memorable memories is far more rewarding than many of our solitary pursuits.

We have plenty of time, he suggested, to live authentically if only we prioritize it rightly.

Tip: Spend some quiet time to develop a personal mission statement.

Reflect on what truly matters to you, what drives you, and what makes you happy.

Write it down and use it as a north star to guide your decisions.

Revisit and tweak it as you grow and evolve.

This practice can help ensure that your life genuinely reflects who you are, because life is too short not to enjoy every moment.

  1. Practice Mindfulness – Stay Present

Eckhart Tolle really captures it: “Realize deeply that the present moment is all you will ever have.”

In my own journey, embracing mindfulness has been a game changer.

It’s about more than just reducing stress or enhancing focus—it transforms how you experience every day.

Engaging fully in the present helps us appreciate the simple joys, like the laughter of a child or the quiet after a snowfall.

Deepak Chopra often discusses how mindfulness can unlock the meaning of life, helping us forge genuine friendships and create memorable memories.

I started incorporating mindful walking into my daily routine, and it’s incredible how such a simple practice, just by listening to my favorite music, can deepen your connection to the here and now.

Just slowing down, feeling each step, and observing your surroundings can bring a profound sense of peace and grounding.

Tip: Make it a point to spend 10 minutes on mindful walking each day.

Whether it’s during your lunch break or right after dinner, focus on the moment and let the day’s stress melt away.

  1. Prioritize Health – Physical and Mental Well-being

Novak Djokovic said it well:

“We only have one life and one body to care for, and we better do it right.”

Balancing physical and mental health is essential, not just for longevity but for the quality of life.

Regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and adequate sleep are foundational.

But it’s not all about hitting the gym or counting calories; mental health is equally important.

For me, forest bathing has been a revelation.

Just being in nature, away from the bustle of the city, can significantly uplift your spirits and health.

Paulo Coelho once wrote about how a careless waste of time could become a meaningful experience when we use it to connect with nature, especially during difficult times.

The Japanese practice this for its known benefits to reduce stress and improve mood—it’s a simple yet powerful way to reconnect with nature and yourself.

Because life is too short, enjoy every moment and take the chance to rejuvenate amidst nature whenever you can.

Tip: Try to spend at least 30 minutes in a natural setting weekly.

It could be a nearby park or a more secluded forest area.

Let nature’s calm envelop you and enhance your well-being.

  1. Embrace Adventure – Seek New Experiences

Eleanor Roosevelt urged us to “live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experiences.”

I’ve taken this to heart in my own life by keeping an adventure list.

It’s not just about big, bucket-list trips—adventure can be found in learning a new skill or exploring a nearby town.

This approach keeps life vibrant and continually expanding your horizons.

Adventures challenge us, push our boundaries, and remind us that the world is a playground full of new things to discover.

Arthur Schopenhauer once said that the art of life is more about weaving these new experiences into everyday life.

It enriches our journey and brings a deeper realization about life, leading to a more meaningful lif

If you think life is too short youre missing these 10 things to truly enjoy every moment
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via Susan Rivas

May 27, 2024 at 06:50PM

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Your June 2024 tarotscope: what the stars and tarot say about love finances and destiny
Your June 2024 tarotscope: what the stars and tarot say about love finances and destiny

Your June 2024 tarotscope: what the stars and tarot say about love, finances and destiny

“As the stars align, so does our path reveal itself,” goes an old adage, echoing the essence of a tarotscope.

A blend of tarot card readings and astrology, a tarotscope provides personalized insights based on your zodiac sign and the current cosmic energies.

With this June 2024’s tarotscope, delve into how these mystic arts converge, enhancing understanding in personal life, career, and relationships.

Expect a unique journey through the cards and stars, guiding you with affectionate energy and clear advice.

And, if you’re curious about unveiling the zodiac’s hidden strengths, learn the most powerful horoscope signs.

Planetary Influences in June 2024

June 2024 dances under a dynamic celestial ballet.

The Sun’s journey through communicative Gemini until the 20th, followed by the nurturing waters of Cancer, highlights a shift from social energy to emotional depth.

Key movements include Mercury’s retrograde phase ending early in the month, easing communication snags.

Noteworthy are the New Moon in Gemini and the Full Moon in Capricorn, offering new beginnings and the culmination of efforts.

Prepare for subtle shifts and direct impacts on your daily life and long-term visions.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Tarot Cards: The Emperor and The Lovers

Aries, this month, The Emperor calls on you to embody leadership and authority, particularly in your personal connections.

Expect stability and crucial decision-making moments in your romantic life.

Embrace The Lovers’ card, urging you to balance your passions with the needs of those you care about.

In finances, steer with confidence and foresight, as The Emperor assures control and structured progress.

On your life path, these cards suggest a significant focus on harmonizing personal desires with collective welfare, enhancing both your personal development and emotional intelligence in your everyday life.

This June tarotscope emphasizes your potential for growth and stability across all areas of life.

Wish to get more insights? Ask a gifted clairvoyant astrologer from our friends at Kasamba, trusted by hundreds of members at Sons Of Universe.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

Tarot Cards: The Hierophant and Two of Pentacles

Taurus, tradition meets multitasking this June.

The Hierophant influences you to honor your values, significantly impacting your love life and relationships.

This adherence to convention will guide you through complex emotional landscapes.

With the Two of Pentacles, you find yourself managing financial responsibilities skillfully, possibly involving some important decisions on resource allocation.

Your life path is a delicate balancing act this month, as you navigate maintaining cherished traditions while exploring new opportunities.

Embrace these dualities to enhance both your career advancement and personal life, skillfully using the card pull from your trusted tarot decks to guide your decisions.

Gemini (May 21–June 20)

Tarot Cards: The Magician and Eight of Wands

Gemini, your month sparkles with the quicksilver magic of The Magician and the rapid movements of the Eight of Wands.

Expect significant strides in your love life, as The Magician aids in articulate and effective communication, swiftly clearing misunderstandings and deepening connections.

Financially, your adaptability will be your greatest asset.

Use your diverse skills to tap into new opportunities that can come and go just as quickly as they appear.

Your life path this month requires you to harness this bustling energy.

Focus on channeling this into productive avenues swiftly, ensuring that no opportunity for growth and advancement is missed.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

Tarot Cards: The Chariot and Queen of Cups

Cancer, this June is about steering the chariot of your life with the emotional depth of the Queen of Cups.

Your relationships will flourish as you delve deeper into emotional exchanges; the Chariot assures progress, while the Queen of Cups brings empathy and understanding.

In financial matters, let your emotional intelligence guide you.

Make decisions that not only grow your wealth but also feel right at a gut level.

On your life path, the challenge is to balance your drive with compassion.

Let the Chariot’s determination push you forward and the Queen’s intuition navigate you through the complexities of life.

This June tarotscope highlights the importance of balancing ambition with empathy, guiding you through a month of meaningful growth.

Wish to get more insights? Ask a gifted clairvoyant astrologer from our friends at Kasamba, trusted by hundreds of members at Sons Of Universe.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Tarot Cards: Strength and Six of Wands

Leo, embody the raw power of Strength paired with the triumphant energy of the Six of Wands this month.

Your love life will see a surge in confidence and attracting recognition.

These energies not only bolster your romantic relationships but also bring admiration from those around you.

Financially, success is on the horizon, likely recognized and possibly rewarded by others.

Your life path this month is about overcoming any personal or professional challenges with your innate strength.

This not only fostores your resilience but also ensures that your actions earn you the respect and leadership roles you aspire to achieve.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Tarot Cards: The Hermit and Ten of Pentacles

Virgo, this month calls for introspection with The Hermit, guiding you to reflect deeply on your personal and romantic relationships.

This period of solitude helps you to focus on what truly provides long-term stability and fulfillment.

Financially, the Ten of Pentacles suggests a strong focus on securing your future, encouraging investments or savings that promise lasting benefits.

Your life path is deeply connected to understanding and building upon your family legacy.

Use this time to gather wisdom and set foundations that will support not only you but future generations.

Additionally, consider identifying and addressing any unhealthy habits that could undermine your chances of success.

Libra (September 23 – October 22)

Tarot Cards: Justice and Four of Swords

Libra, this June, the scales of Justice require you to seek fairness in your relationships, urging you to reassess and recalibrate.

The Four of Swords provides a much-needed pause, allowing you to reflect on your needs and desires in love and life, especially focusing on romantic connections.

Financially, this is a time to handle legal matters or contracts with strategic rest and consideration, ensuring all decisions align with your values and respond appropriately to your current circumstances.

Your life path emphasizes the importance of striving for balance and finding time for recuperation to maintain harmony in all aspects of life.

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)

Tarot Cards: Death and Ace of Cups

Scorpio, embrace the transformative energy of the Death card this month, signaling profound changes in your personal life and relationships.

This card heralds a time of significant emotional shedding and renewal, allowing new emotional beginnings to blossom as shown by the Ace of Cups.

Financially, you are poised to break away from outdated patterns and venture into new opportunities that promise growth.

On your life path, the theme of rebirth and embracing change continues to dominate.

Allow these cosmic energies to guide you through a period of beautiful and profound transformation, setting the stage for future successes.

Wish to get more insights? Ask a gifted clairvoyant astrologer from our friends at Kasamba, trusted by hundreds of members at Sons Of Universe.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Tarot Cards: Temperance and Nine of Wands

Sagittarius, embrace the calming influence of Temperance this month, urging patience and thoughtful balance in your romantic life.

This meditative approach will deepen your relationships and enhance your resilience in handling emotional matters.

Meanwhile, the Nine of Wands challenges you to remain steadfast in the pursuit of your financial objectives, emphasizing the importance of determination in the face of adversity.

On your life path, these cards advise maintaining equilibrium and persevering through challenges.

Utilize the combined wisdom of Temperance and the Nine of Wands to overcome obstacles, ensuring that your long-term visions remain intact and on course for success.

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19)

Tarot Cards: The Devil and King of Pentacles

Capricorn, this month is a pivotal time to address and let go of unhealthy attachments in your personal life, as highlighted by The Devil.

This card urges you to examine and cut ties with any toxic elements that hinder your emotional and relational stability.

Simultaneously, the King of Pentacles casts a vision of financial control and adept management, encouraging you to take charge of your monetary resources with wisdom and authority.

Your life path now focuses on recognizing and overcoming personal limitations to secure material and professional success.

Harness the strategic energy of the King of Pentacles to guide you in building a foundation of prosperity that can sustain future growth.

This June tarotscope emphasizes the importance of letting go of the old to make way for new successes.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Tarot Cards: The Star and Seven of Swords

Aquarius, find solace and direction under the guiding light of The Star, which shines on your relationships, infusing them with hope and the promise of future fulfillment.

Strategic thinking becomes crucial, as the Seven of Swords cautions against potential deceit or missteps in financial endeavors.

Careful planning and tactical maneuvers are recommended to safeguard yo

Your June 2024 tarotscope: what the stars and tarot say about love finances and destiny
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via Susan Rivas

May 26, 2024 at 05:50PM

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via Susan Rivas

May 25, 2024 at 11:50PM

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via Susan Rivas

May 25, 2024 at 06:50PM

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Astrology expert shares the 3 most controlling zodiac signs (from control freaks to laid-back)
Astrology expert shares the 3 most controlling zodiac signs (from control freaks to laid-back)

Astrology expert shares the 3 most controlling zodiac signs (from control freaks to laid-back)

Why do some people seem to have a tight grip on everything? From the boardroom to the living room, control plays a huge role in how we navigate our lives.

Today, we delve into the cosmos with Genevieve Chan, a celebrated astrology advisor from Kasamba, to uncover the secrets of the zodiac signs and their controlling tendencies.

Get ready to explore the most to least controlling horoscope signs, discover astrological reasons behind these traits, and learn tips to manage the urge to control—tailored for each sign.

And, if you’re curious about unveiling the zodiac’s hidden strengths, learn the most powerful signs of the horoscope.

  1. Leo: The Regal Leader (Control Score: 10/10)

Leos top our list with a perfect control score, wielding leadership, charisma, and confidence. But their need for attention and dominance can sometimes overshadow their bright qualities.

Genevieve explains, “As a fixed fire sign ruled by the Sun, Leos naturally radiate authority and want to be the center of attention.

Known as perhaps the most controlling zodiac sign, their control is not driven by ego but by a genuine desire to inspire and lead others.”

Despite the myth that Leos are selfish, they’re actually big-hearted leaders who thrive on uplifting others. But, they must learn to share the spotlight.

Tip: Leos should practice active listening and delegate more often to let others shine.

  1. Scorpio: The Intense Enigma (Control Score: 9/10)

Scorpios, known for their determination and passion, score high on the control scale due to their deep-seated need for loyalty and trust.

“Pluto’s influence makes Scorpios intensely emotional, yet they often hide these feelings under a veil of secrecy,” says Genevieve.

Contrary to the common misbelief that Scorpios are natural manipulators, they actually seek meaningful and loyal connections. Their controlling nature stems from a fear of betrayal, not a desire to dominate.

This reflects their high level of control and their struggle for acceptance of life’s uncertainties, along with a strong sense of power.

Tip: Scorpios can foster trust by being more transparent and openly communicating their emotions in relationships. This can transform their need for control into a foundation for strong, trusting bonds.

  1. Capricorn: The Ambitious Planner (Control Score: 8/10)

Capricorns bring discipline, responsibility, and ambition to the table, scoring an impressive eight on our control scale. This ranks them highly, though not as the most controlling zodiac sign.

Their main pitfalls? Rigidity and a penchant for micromanagement.

“Capricorns are influenced by Saturn, the planet of discipline, which anchors them to structure and high standards,” Genevieve shares.

This rigid control often serves as a defense mechanism, part of their intricate tapestry of traits that combines their protective energy with a relentless pursuit of their goals.

Contrary to the cold, unfeeling stereotype, they are actually motivated by a deep-seated desire for stability and success.

Tip: Capricorns can enhance their effectiveness by embracing flexibility and trusting in the abilities of others. Allowing team members to take the lead on projects can be a liberating experience for them.

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  1. Taurus: The Stubborn Stabilizer (Control Score: 7/10)

Known for their reliability, patience, and practicality, Tauruses land a solid seven in control.

Their struggle? An aversion to change and a stubborn streak.

“Ruled by Venus, this fixed earth sign seeks stability, which sometimes translates into a controlling nature,” explains Genevieve.

Their natural charisma and desire for stability often manifest as a need for control, springing from their natural desire for predictability and order.

It’s a common misconception that Tauruses are lazy when, in fact, they value their individual autonomy and seek to maintain it through control.

Tip: Tauruses should practice adaptability and be open to new ideas, like trying innovative approaches at work to streamline processes.

Wish to get more insights? Ask a gifted clairvoyant astrologer from our friends at Kasamba, trusted by hundreds of members at Sons Of Universe.

  1. Virgo: The Perfectionist Guardian (Control Score: 6/10)

Virgos score a six, noted for their meticulous attention to detail, analytical thinking, and reliability.

Their weaknesses? A tendency to be overcritical and anxiety about imperfections. “Mercury’s influence makes Virgos detail-oriented, often leading them to exert control in an attempt to perfect everything,” says Genevieve.

There’s a false assumption that Virgos are always critical; however, their controlling behaviors are usually driven by a desire to assist and enhance.

Tip: Virgos will benefit from focusing on empathy and offering constructive feedback with kindness, nurturing their relationships while still achieving high standards.

  1. Aries: The Bold Pioneer (Control Score: 5/10)

Aries blaze through life with undeniable courage, enthusiasm, and a knack for leadership, earning them a mid-tier control score. While not the most controlling zodiac sign, they are assertive and proactive.

Governed by Mars, this cardinal fire sign embodies a robust drive that is often mistaken for recklessness.

However, their urge to control stems from a desire to lead and achieve, not from a wish to dominate.

Among the astrological signs, Aries are known to implement control tactics that reflect their dynamic energy, distinguishing them from more cautious signs.

As Genevieve Chan puts it, “Aries have the potential to harness their fiery energy in constructive ways, focusing on collaboration and patience rather than sole command.”

Tip: Aries should practice mindfulness and patience, taking moments to appreciate different perspectives, which can enrich their natural leadership.

  1. Gemini: The Adaptable Communicator (Control Score: 4/10)

Geminis wield their versatility and communication prowess to navigate through life, meriting a control score of four. Their ruling planet, Mercury, enhances their adaptability, which sometimes translates into inconsistency or indecisiveness.

Genevieve notes, “Geminis excel in change and diversity; they control through communication rather than authority, thriving on the exchange of ideas.”

Their control is about steering conversations and projects with a light touch, not holding the reins too tightly.

Tip: Geminis can improve their focus by setting clear, actionable goals and adhering to them, thus providing a stable direction for their versatile talents.

  1. Cancer: The Nurturing Protector (Control Score: 3/10)

Cancer scores lower on the control scale, armed with empathy, loyalty, and intuition. The influence of the Moon fosters a deep sense of protectiveness, often misconstrued as over-emotionality.

However, Genevieve clarifies, “Cancers seek to care and secure rather than control. Their actions are meant to nurture, not to confine.”

Their approach to control involves creating a safe, supportive environment for their loved ones, allowing them to flourish independently.

Tip: Cancers should encourage independence in others, helping them grow through support rather than restriction, fostering a balance between care and autonomy.

  1. Aquarius: The Innovative Idealist (Control Score: 2/10)

Aquarians are celebrated for their originality, humanitarianism, and staunch independence, earning them a low control score among astrology signs. They are far from being the most controlling zodiac sign.

Uranus, their beautiful planet, endows them with an innovative spirit that sometimes results in aloofness or unpredictability.

Contrary to the stereotype that Aquarians are detached, Genevieve Chan explains, “They prefer to lead by inspiring others with their visionary projects, rather than exert complete control.”

They excel in roles where they can offer new perspectives and spearhead changes without imposing strict guidelines.

Tip: Aquarians should embrace collaboration and inclusivity, actively seeking diverse viewpoints to enrich their innovative projects.

Wish to get more insights? Ask a gifted clairvoyant astrologer from our friends at Kasamba, trusted by hundreds of members at Sons Of Universe.

  1. Libra: The Harmonious Diplomat (Control Score: 1/10)

Libras, known for their diplomacy, fairness, and sociability, score the lowest on our control scale.

Influenced by Venus, this cardinal air sign often faces criticism for indecision and a tendency to please others, which can be mistaken for superficiality.

However, their controlling nature is subtle, focusing on maintaining harmony and balance rather than asserting overt dominance.

“Libras weigh every option to ensure equity and often use their charm to smooth over conflicts,” says Genevieve.

Tip: Libras can enhance their effectiveness by asserting their needs and making decisions more decisively, communicating their choices clearly to maintain balance while respecting their personal boundaries.

  1. Sagittarius: The Freedom Seeker (Control Score: 0.5/10)

Scoring the lowest on the control scale, Sagittarians are the epitome of optimism, adventure, and a fierce love for independence, setting them far apart from being the most controlling zodiac sign.

Governed by Jupiter, their mutable fire nature is often misinterpreted as recklessness or impulsiveness. However, their approach to control is minimal, as they cherish freedom and are often on a quest for knowledge and experience.

“Sagittarians are naturally expansive, and their minimal control desires stem from a prof

Astrology expert shares the 3 most controlling zodiac signs (from control freaks to laid-back)
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via Susan Rivas

May 24, 2024 at 05:50PM

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via Susan Rivas

May 23, 2024 at 11:50PM

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Astrology pro shares the 3 best zodiac signs to marry (and which to beware of)
Astrology pro shares the 3 best zodiac signs to marry (and which to beware of)

Astrology pro shares the 3 best zodiac signs to marry (and which to beware of)

Been wondering which zodiac sign might be the best partner to marry? Today, we’re joined by Kassandra LaBrie, an esteemed astrologer from the popular site Kasamba, to help us navigate the cosmos for answers.

We’ll uncover the top picks for marriage-worthy zodiac signs, as well as those that might present more of a challenge, based on their marriageability scores.

Stick around as we delve into what makes each sign special in their own way.

And, if you’re curious about unveiling the zodiac’s hidden strengths, learn the most powerful horoscope signs.

The Top 3 Zodiac Signs to Marry

  1. Libra

Libra, you’re known as The Harmony Seeker, and your marriageability score shines at 9.5/10. Diplomatic and romantic, your balanced and social nature makes you a top candidate for marriage.

However, your tendency to be indecisive and avoid confrontation could be a hiccup. It’s a myth that you’re superficial; in fact, your love for aesthetics often leads to creating stunning, welcoming home environments.

Kassandra LaBrie notes, “In a relationship, Libras are the glue that maintains harmony and balance. Their peacemaking skills are unmatched, making them excellent lifelong partners and a wonderful partner. As star signs go, Libras bring emotional depth that enriches their connections.”

To echo Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,

“The soul that sees beauty may sometimes walk alone,”

highlighting the unique path Libras tread in their quest for balance and beauty in relationships.

Tip: Keep the lines of communication open and make decisions together to maintain that beautiful balance.

  1. Taurus

Moving on to Taurus, The Steadfast Lover, with a robust score of 9/10. Your loyalty, patience, and affection make you a pillar of any relationship. Be wary, though, as your stubbornness and possessiveness can sometimes surface.

People often mistakenly think you’re boring, but your preference for routine actually brings a reassuring stability to marriage.

“Taurus partners are like the bedrock of a relationship, unwavering in their commitment and deeply supportive,” says Kassandra.

As an earth sign, Taurus is often considered the best zodiac sign to marry, consistently providing a foundation for a committed relationship with their stable and dependable nature.

Tip: Cherish stability but don’t forget to spice things up with shared sensory experiences.

  1. Cancer

Cancer, The Nurturing Partner, your marriageability score is a solid 8.5/10. You are known for being caring, intuitive, loyal, and protective, qualities that make you highly desirable in a marriage.

Despite being occasionally moody and overly sensitive, it’s not true that you’re clingy. Your deep intuition allows you to keenly understand your partner’s needs, fostering a profound emotional connection.

Kassandra LaBrie affirms, “Cancers infuse a marriage with care and understanding, ensuring their partners feel valued and nurtured.” Your nurturing nature not only supports successful marriage but also deepens romantic relationships, aligning perfectly with the life goal of building a loving and secure family environment.

Tip: Build emotional security and focus on creating a nurturing home environment.

Wish to get more insights? Ask a gifted clairvoyant astrologer from our friends at Kasamba, trusted by hundreds of members at Sons Of Universe.

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Zodiac Signs to Beware Of

Gemini, The Dual Personality

With a marriageability score of 6/10, you bring versatility, communication skills, curiosity, and adaptability to relationships. Your challenges include inconsistency, indecisiveness, and a somewhat superficial approach.

It’s a misconception that Geminis are two-faced; rather, your adaptability is a major strength in managing the ebbs and flows of partnership dynamics.

“While Geminis add a spark of excitement, their fluctuating moods can introduce unpredictability,” Kassandra comments. Your approach to life and your ability to adapt make you an intriguing life partner, potentially making every day as lively as your wedding day.

Though not traditionally seen as the best zodiac sign to marry, your unique qualities offer a dynamic and enriching experience to any committed union.

Tip: Cherish your diverse interests and keep communication lines vibrant and open.

Sagittarius, The Freedom Seeker

Your marriageability score rests at 5.5/10. Your adventurous, optimistic, independent, and honest nature makes you a spirited partner. However, your impulsiveness, impatience, and unreliability can pose challenges.

The myth that Sagittarians are afraid of commitment overlooks your potential for deep, honest relationships. Kassandra notes, “Sagittarius spirits can enliven a marriage, though their love for freedom requires understanding.”

Your sense of adventure and ability to forge deep connections make you the ideal partner for someone who values personal freedom as much as intimacy.

Tip: Provide space for personal growth and explore new adventures together.

The Rest of the Zodiac: From Average to Challenging

Leo, The Regal Partner

You command attention with a marriageability score of 7/10. Your confidence, generosity, loyalty, and passion make you an enticing partner. However, your perceived arrogance, stubbornness, and penchant for seeking attention can be drawbacks.

It’s not true that Leos are self-centered; your loyalty and generosity actually make you incredibly devoted. Kassandra LaBrie highlights, “Leos add a vibrant spark to marriage, thriving when they feel cherished and valued.” Often considered among the best zodiac signs to marry, Leos bring a dynamic and loving energy to any committed relationship.

The perfect time to show appreciation is now; a practical approach to the obligations of marriage ensures that your Leo feels valued continuously.

Tip: Ensure Leos feel appreciated with regular affirmations and gestures of admiration.

Wish to get more insights? Ask a gifted clairvoyant astrologer from our friends at Kasamba, trusted by hundreds of members at Sons Of Universe.

Virgo, The Perfectionist

With a score of 6.5/10, your practical, analytical, reliable, and kind nature is a cornerstone of your appeal. Your tendency to be overcritical and worry-prone, however, can overshadow your strengths.

The myth that Virgos are nit-picky ignores your ability to maintain a well-organized life, benefiting any household. “Virgos push for perfection, enhancing marital harmony, but they must temper their critical nature with patience,” Kassandra advises.

As an astrology sign known for its meticulousness, Virgos are key to achieving a balanced marriage that aligns with long-term goals.

Tip: Show appreciation for Virgo’s meticulous efforts and promote moments of relaxation to balance their diligence.

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Capricorn, The Ambitious Partner

Your score is a steady 6/10. Discipline, responsibility, ambition, and loyalty define your role in relationships, though your pessimism, workaholic tendencies, and rigidity can complicate matters.

Contrary to the myth that Capricorns are dull, your ambition actually ensures a stable and secure life. “Capricorns bring a strong sense of duty and success to a marriage, balancing professional and personal life is key,” Kassandra notes.

Tip: Support Capricorn’s ambitions while ensuring they take time to unwind and enjoy life beyond work.

Pisces, The Dreamy Partner

You score 5/10. Your compassion, artistic flair, intuition, and gentleness make you a deeply loving partner. However, your escapist and overly trusting nature can pose challenges.

It’s a misconception that Pisces lack resolve; rather, your creativity and empathy bring a unique depth to relationships. “Pisces forge deep emotional connections, though they require a grounded approach to truly flourish,” says Kassandra.

While not traditionally seen as the best zodiac sign to marry, your innate qualities can enrich any partnership with profound emotional connections.

Tip: Help Pisces integrate practical steps into their dreams and ensure they have a supportive environment to thrive emotionally.

Aries, The Dynamic Partner

Aries, your vibrant energy and courage score you a 4.5/10. You’re confident and enthusiastic, but sometimes your impulsiveness, impatience, and aggressive tendencies hold you back.

It’s a myth that Aries are domineering; your enthusiasm actually injects vitality into relationships. Kassandra LaBrie explains, “Aries add a dynamic energy to marriage but need to moderate their impulsiveness for harmony.”

As an Aries myself, I know we didn’t make the top 3, likely due to our impulsive nature and sometimes overwhelming energy. Yet, we bring enthusiasm and a pioneering spirit that can keep any relationship exciting and vibrant.

Tip: Engage in activities that channel your energy positively and cultivate patience.

Aquarius, The Unconventional Partner

Aquarius, your innovative and independent streak earns you a score of 4/10. Known for being humanitarian and intellectual, you sometimes appear detached and unpredictable.

Contrary to the myth that Aquarians are emotionally distant, your strong sense of individuality actually promotes a healthy balance in relationships.

“Aquarians offer a forward-thinking approach to marriage, though they need to deepen emotional connections,” says Kassandra.

Tip: Foster emotional openness and honor your unique need for space and individuality.

Scorpio, The Intense Partner

Scorpio, your intensity and loyalty give you a score of 3.5/10

Astrology pro shares the 3 best zodiac signs to marry (and which to beware of)