Beyond Adoption: A New Framework for Theorizing and Evaluating Nonadoption, Abandonment, and Challenges to the Scale-Up, Spread, and Sustainability of Health and Care Technologies - PubMed

Use of the Internet and Mobile Phones for Self-Management of Severe Mental Health Problems: Qualitative Study of Staff Views - PubMed
"They Are Not Hard-to-Reach Clients. We Have Just Got Hard-to-Reach Services." Staff Views of Digital Health Tools in Specialist Mental Health Services - PubMed
Aggression on inpatient units: Clinical characteristics and consequences - PubMed
Why the Nails Should Boss the Hammers - PubMed
Barriers to and Facilitators of Engagement With Remote Measurement Technology for Managing Health: Systematic Review and Content Analysis of Findings - PubMed
Member Checking: A Tool to Enhance Trustworthiness or Merely a Nod to Validation? - PubMed
Cognitive bias in forensic mental health assessment: Evaluator beliefs about its nature and scope. - PsycNET
What We Don’t Know May Hurt Us: An Examination of Systematic Bias in Offender Risk Assessments: Deviant Behavior: Vol 39, No 12
Overview | Violence and aggression: short-term management in mental health, health and community settings | Guidance | NICE
Alternative approaches to 'enhanced observations' in acute inpatient mental health care: a review of the literature - PubMed
Capturing Rest-Activity Profiles in Schizophrenia Using Wearable and Mobile Technologies: Development, Implementation, Feasibility, and Acceptability of a Remote Monitoring Platform - PubMed
Blending active and passive digital technology methods to improve symptom monitoring in early psychosis - PubMed
Using wearable technology to detect the autonomic signature of illness severity in schizophrenia - PubMed
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Assessment of the Data Sharing and Privacy Practices of Smartphone Apps for Depression and Smoking Cessation - PubMed
Using Mobile Phone Sensor Technology for Mental Health Research: Integrated Analysis to Identify Hidden Challenges and Potential Solutions - PubMed
Full article: Building from the ground up: exploring forensic mental health staff’s relationships with patients
The technology specialist: a 21st century support role in clinical care - PubMed
The challenge of change in acute mental health services: measuring staff perceptions of barriers to change and their relationship to job status and satisfaction using a new measure (VOCALISE) - PubMed
Why is change a challenge in acute mental health wards? A cross-sectional investigation of the relationships between burnout, occupational status and nurses' perceptions of barriers to change - PubMed
A cost comparison study of using global positioning system technology (electronic monitoring) in a medium secure forensic psychiatric service: The Journal of Forensic Psychiatry & Psychology: Vol 28, No 1
Bridging the dichotomy of actual versus aspirational digital health - PubMed