Out of your sight, out of my mind: Knowledge about another person's visual access modulates spontaneous visuospatial perspective-taking - PubMed
Posttraumatic stress disorder in adult attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: clinical features and familial transmission - PubMed
An experimental paradigm examining the influence of frustration on risk-taking behavior - PubMed
Eye-contact: a chance product of individual looking? - PubMed
Intergroup visual perspective-taking: Shared group membership impairs self-perspective inhibition but may facilitate perspective calculation - PubMed
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, conduct disorder, and young adult intimate partner violence - PubMed
[Effects of conversation act on conversation strategy and interpersonal cognition] - PubMed
Taking a Bleulerian perspective: a role for negative symptoms in the staging model? - PubMed
Investigating Self-Control Resource Depletion as a Situational Risk Factor for Aversive Interpartner Communication by Young Adults With ADHD - PubMed
Applying a psychoeducational perspective to ADHD - PubMed
ADHD Symptoms in Adults and Time Perspectives - Findings From a Czech National Sample - PubMed
Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC)
Pupil Mimicry Correlates With Trust in In-Group Partners With Dilating Pupils - PubMed
Relationships between neuropsychological measures of executive function and behavioral measures of ADHD symptoms and comorbid behavior - PubMed
Individual differences in perspective taking and field-independence mediate structural persistence in dialog - PubMed
[Diagnosis and treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults] - PubMed
When are dysphoric individuals distressing to others and vice versa? Effects of friendship, similarity, and interaction task - PubMed
Health-related quality of life in children and adolescents who have a diagnosis of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder - PubMed
Perspective taking in a novel signaling task: Effects of world knowledge and contextual constraint - PubMed
[Does experience with role play activate "mindreading" in a perspective-taking task?] - PubMed
Discount and disengage: How chronic negative expressivity undermines partner responsiveness to negative disclosures - PubMed
Twenty-four-week treatment with extended release methylphenidate improves emotional symptoms in adult ADHD - PubMed
Perspective taking failures in the valuation of mind and body - PubMed
Distinguishing sluggish cognitive tempo from attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in adults - PubMed
Not always hyperactive? Elevated apathy scores in adolescents and adults with ADHD - PubMed
Guidelines for Meeting the Communication Needs of Persons With Severe Disabilities
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