— AFNI, SUMA and FATCAT: v21.0.11
Alternative stress measures - Wikipedia
Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds in Exhaled Breath by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Combined with Chemometric Analysis | SpringerLink
Bifidobacterial Succession and Correlation Networks in a Large Unselected Cohort of Mothers and Their Children | Applied and Environmental Microbiology
Chemical Fingerprinting of Petroleum Biomarkers Using Time Warping and PCA | Environmental Science & Technology
Chromaligner: a web server for chromatogram alignment | Bioinformatics | Oxford Academic
1.1. Install AFNI on Your Own Computer — AFNI, SUMA and FATCAT: v21.0.11
5.2. SUMA Viewer — AFNI, SUMA and FATCAT: v21.0.11
(PDF) Correlation optimized warping and dynamic time warping as preprocessing methods for chromatographic data | Claus A Andersson -
Correlation optimized warping and dynamic time warping as preprocessing methods for chromatographic data, Journal of Chemometrics | 10.1002/cem.859 | DeepDyve
Correlation Optimized Warping at DuckDuckGo
Chemometric assisted correlation optimized warping of chromatograms: optimizing the computational time for correcting the drifts in chromatographic peak positions - Analytical Methods (RSC Publishing)
AFNI program: @Quiet_Talkers
AFNI program: @SUMA_Make_Spec_SF
Correlation-optimized time warping for motion | SpringerLink
Fiehn Lab - Peak_Alignment
MarketMatching Package Vignette
Matching colonic polyps using correlation optimized warping, Proceedings of SPIE | 10.1117/12.844352 | DeepDyve
andrewjahn/AFNI_Scripts: Scripts used for fMRI data analysis in AFNI
3dcalc — AFNI, SUMA and FATCAT: v21.0.11
Mining actionlet ensemble for action recognition with depth cameras | Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
MSIWarp: A General Approach to Mass Alignment in Mass Spectrometry Imaging | Analytical Chemistry
Optimized time alignment algorithm for LC-MS data: Correlation... (2008) |
Prediction of Total Phenolic Content in Extracts of Prunella Species from HPLC Profiles by Multivariate Calibration
Registration of prone and supine CT colonography scans using correlation optimized warping and canonical correlation analysis (Journal Article) | OSTI.GOV
Registration of prone and supine CT colonography scans using correlation optimized warping and canonical correlation analysis
RGCxGC: vignettes/Explanation.Rmd
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