Testing the reliability and efficiency of the pilot Mixed Methods Appraisal Tool (MMAT) for systematic mixed studies review
Pilot study of design method for surgical robot using workspace reproduction system - PubMed
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Therapeutic changes in psychiatric patients following partial sensory deprivation. A pilot study - PubMed
Psychophysiologic aspects of severe behavior disorders; a pilot study - PubMed
Point of care approach applied to bedside computing system - PubMed
Sex survey. Approval hoped for soon - PubMed
Quality of healthcare websites: A comparison of a general-purpose vs. domain-specific search engine - PubMed
An Integrated International Aerospace Medical Information System
The Westminster and Chelsea Hospital project - PubMed
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Monitoring granulation rate processes using three PAT tools in a pilot-scale fluidized bed - PubMed
Performance of a MBR pilot plant treating high strength wastewater subject to salinity increase: analysis of biomass activity and fouling behaviour - PubMed
Quantitative changes in palatal donor site thickness after free gingival graft harvesting: a pilot study - PubMed
Capsule Commentary on Mazer et. al., A Pilot Study of the Chronology of Present Illness: Restructuring the HPI to Improve Physician Cognition and Communication - PubMed
Remembering the Unforgettable: Trialing ICU Diaries in North America - PubMed
Simulation-based interdisciplinary education improves intern attitudes and outlook toward colleagues in other disciplines - PubMed
Investigating Software Requirements for Systems Supporting Task-Shifted Interventions: Usability Study
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Considering the Research Procedure - PubMed
iWaste: Video-Based Medical Waste Detection and Classification - PubMed
Regulation of emotions during experimental endotoxemia: A pilot study - PubMed
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Teaching the psychiatric aspects of medicine: report of a successful pilot experience - PubMed
Criteria of drug-induced liver disorders. Report of an international consensus meeting - PubMed
Supervision of chiropractors: a pilot study - PubMed
Group-therapy of couples after breast cancer diagnosis: experimental pilot study - PubMed
Challenges of implementing a feasibility study of acupuncture in acute and critical care settings
Practical and analytic issues in the electronic assessment of adherence - PubMed