Collaborative management of chronic illness - PubMed

AI Drug Adherence | Gambling | Immunotherapy | Drug-Stents
Knowledge Is Power: Patient Education as a Tool for Patient Activation - PubMed
Refining a tool to measure cues to action in encouraging health-promoting behavior--the CHAQ - PubMed
The Patient Activation Measure: a validation study in a neurological population - PubMed
Development and psychometric properties of the Mental Health Knowledge Schedule - PubMed
Internal construct validity of the Swiss Spinal Stenosis questionnaire: Rasch analysis of a disease-specific outcome measure for lumbar spinal stenosis - PubMed
The Leuven questionnaire on patient knowledge of chemotherapy (L-PaKC): instrument development and psychometric evaluation - PubMed
Psychometric Properties of the Patient Activation Measure in Multimorbid Hospitalized Patients - PubMed
Reliability and validity of the patient activation measure in hospitalized patients - PubMed
Improving the measurement of QALYs in dementia: developing patient- and carer-reported health state classification systems using Rasch analysis - PubMed
Development and validation of the "Treatment Satisfaction with Medicines Questionnaire" (SATMED-Q) - PubMed
Development of an Attitudes Toward Health Care Teams Scale - PubMed
Development of the Patient Activation Measure for mental health - PubMed
eHEALS: The eHealth Literacy Scale - PubMed
A 2-item short form of the Pain Self-efficacy Questionnaire: development and psychometric evaluation of PSEQ-2 - PubMed
Assessing recovery of people with serious mental illness: development of a new scale - PubMed
Development and psychometric assessment of the function-neutral health-related quality of life measure - PubMed
Development and psychometric validation of the intermittent self-catheterization questionnaire - PubMed
Development of a measure to assess healthcare providers' implementation of patient-centered care - PubMed
Measuring patient engagement: development and psychometric properties of the Patient Health Engagement (PHE) Scale - PubMed
Methodological studies of orofacial aesthetics, orofacial function and oral health-related quality of life - PubMed
Development of a social inclusion index to capture subjective and objective life domains (Phase II): psychometric development study - PubMed
Psychometric properties of the patient activation measure among multimorbid older adults - PubMed
Psychometric properties of the Community Violence-Prevention Activation Measure (CV-PAM): Evaluating provider activation toward community violence prevention - PubMed|%20Factors%20Associated%20with%20Medication-Related%20Burden%20Quality%20of%20Life%20(MRB%20|%20PROM
Medication-related burden and patients' lived experience with medicine: a systematic review and metasynthesis of qualitative studies - PubMed
Drug-related problems identified during pharmaceutical care interventions in an intensive care unit at a tertiary university hospital - PubMed
Factors Associated with Medication-Related Burden Quality of Life (MRB-QoL) in Community-Dwelling Adults with Long-Term Conditions: An Exploratory Study - PubMed
[Invalid form] - Search Results - PubMed
Development of the Patient Activation Measure (PAM): Conceptualizing and Measuring Activation in Patients and Consumers