[1710.06026] Targeting Interventions in Networks

AI Drug Adherence | Gambling | Immunotherapy | Drug-Stents
Targeting interventions to high-risk populations: Benefits and costs - ScienceDirect
Targeted Interventions | Child Mind Institute
Targeting Interventions in Networks | The Econometric Society
Targeting Interventions in Networks
Targeting Interventions for the Highest-Need, Highest-Cost Medicare-Medicaid Enrollees: Health Plan Approaches - Center for Health Care Strategies
Targeting interventions in networks
[PDF] Targeting Interventions for Ethnic Minority and Low-Income Populations | Semantic Scholar
Targeting (international health) - Wikipedia
Targeted Health Behavior Interventions Promoting Physical Ac... : Exercise and Sport Sciences Reviews
The effectiveness and complexity of interventions targeting sedentary behaviour across the lifespan: a systematic review and meta-analysis | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | Full Text
Interventions targeting conscious determinants of human behaviour to reduce the demand for meat: a systematic review with qualitative comparative analysis | International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity | Full Text
ISPOR - Volume 21, Supplemental S1
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Shift in the Status Quo- How Biosimilar Interchangeability - Google Search
Shift in the Status Quo: How Biosimilar Interchangeability Can Lead to Significant Cost Savings - Value in Health
Shift in the Status Quo: How Biosimilar Interchangeability Can Lead to Significant Cost Savings | Request PDF
Biosimilar Cost Savings in the United States | RAND
Biosimilars: Still Not Quite Ready for Prime Time