Chromaligner: a web server for chromatogram alignment | Bioinformatics | Oxford Academic

AI Drug Adherence | Gambling | Immunotherapy | Drug-Stents
Correlation optimized warping and dynamic time warping as preprocessing methods for chromatographic data, Journal of Chemometrics | 10.1002/cem.859 | DeepDyve
Correlation Optimized Warping at DuckDuckGo
Chemometric assisted correlation optimized warping of chromatograms: optimizing the computational time for correcting the drifts in chromatographic peak positions - Analytical Methods (RSC Publishing)
Correlation-optimized time warping for motion | SpringerLink
Fiehn Lab - Peak_Alignment
Index Replication using Portfolio Optimization Methods | by Jason Yip | Towards Data Science
MarketMatching Package Vignette
Matching colonic polyps using correlation optimized warping, Proceedings of SPIE | 10.1117/12.844352 | DeepDyve
Mining actionlet ensemble for action recognition with depth cameras | Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)
MSIWarp: A General Approach to Mass Alignment in Mass Spectrometry Imaging | Analytical Chemistry
Optimized time alignment algorithm for LC-MS data: Correlation... (2008) |
Potentially antidiabetic and antihypertensive compounds identifiedfrom Pistacia atlantica leaf extracts by LC fingerprinting. — Vrije Universiteit Brussel
Prediction of Total Phenolic Content in Extracts of Prunella Species from HPLC Profiles by Multivariate Calibration
preprocess 5. Automating alignment - YouTube
Registration of prone and supine CT colonography scans using correlation optimized warping and canonical correlation analysis (Journal Article) | OSTI.GOV
Registration of prone and supine CT colonography scans using correlation optimized warping and canonical correlation analysis
RGCxGC: vignettes/Explanation.Rmd
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Application of Dynamic Time Warping to the Quality Evaluation of Radix Puerariae thomsonii: Correcting Retention Time Shift in the Chromatographic Fingerprints | Journal of Chromatographic Science | Oxford Academic
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SUMA - AFNI Surface Mapper — AFNI and NIfTI Server for NIMH/NIH/PHS/DHHS/USA/Earth