Unit dose distribution improves accountability - PubMed

AI Drug Adherence | Gambling | Immunotherapy | Drug-Stents
Health management. Method right--climate wrong - PubMed
Outcomes management stresses patient input - PubMed
A reference system in clinical anesthesia
Measurement of hostility: a pilot study - PubMed
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
The "EBM Rx": an initial experience with an evidence-based learning prescription - PubMed
An old idea takes off - PubMed
[New occupations in medical practice] - PubMed
Effects of pharmacy student interventions on a family medicine residency program - PubMed
Verbosity, window dressing, and red herrings: do they make a better test item? - PubMed
Improvement of dairy manufacture effluent anaerobic digestion with biological waste addition using a Chinese dome digester - PubMed
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
An electronic resource to support staff providing end of life care
Presenting prevention to the elderly - PubMed
Characterization of T wave alternans with ambulatory electrocardiography - PubMed
Pilot candidate selection research project - PubMed
Telelink: the use of telephone conferences for multidisciplinary team meetings - PubMed
Pilot studies on saliva--a report - PubMed
Pilot study on traffic accidents - PubMed
Pilot scale comparison of enhanced coagulation with magnetic resin plus coagulation systems - PubMed
Intravenous methylphenidate--a pilot study
Assessing CME needs assessment - PubMed
Sequential experimentation in product development. I - PubMed
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Evaluation of a new model for the reduction of excess sludge production by ozonation of return activated sludge: what solids COD fraction is affected? - PubMed
Technegas: a study of particle structure, size and distribution - PubMed
Sickness absenteeism and smoking - PubMed
Overview of the ISCE ECG "genome project" - PubMed
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed