Pilot Testing of an ICT-Based Care Management Support System to Deliver Integrated Community Care - PubMed

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"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Cue-based treatment for light smokers: A proof of concept pilot - PubMed
About the benefits and limitations of pilot studies - PubMed
Coming soon to an operating theater near you
The role of agency in schizophrenia: A pilot study on gaze agency - PubMed
Reducing the risk of confirmation bias in unrecognised oesophageal intubation - PubMed
Assistive Solutions in Practice: Experiences from AAL Pilot Regions in Austria - PubMed
Surgery for infantile nystagmus syndrome in the absence of an eccentric null-the search for the perfect procedure continues - PubMed
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Methodology Matters: Designing a Pilot Study Guided by Indigenous Epistemologies - PubMed
The Tourniquet Gap Exists Even Among Health Care Students - PubMed
Herbst appliance anchored with miniscrews: Some unsettled questions - PubMed
Was the diagnosis really postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome?
[DEVASYS - Development of an Online Tool to Support Systematic Evaluation of Intervention Projects in Prevention and Health Promotion] - PubMed
Funding of pilot projects in Latin America: a tool for capacity building in occupational health research - PubMed
Is sedation for endoscopy as safe as you think? - PubMed
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
A cautionary note on electronic cigarettes and vascular health - PubMed
Dynamic indices of preload and fluid responsiveness: some certainty in the midst of the uncertain - PubMed
Additional Strategies for Underrepresented Minority Recruitment - PubMed
The Promise of Technology-Driven Interventions for Older Adults: An Invited Commentary - PubMed
Pathophysiological Insights into Spreading Depolarization in Severe Traumatic Brain Injury
"Pilot Projects"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
JPEN Journal Club 49. Pilot Trials - PubMed
Control Loupes - PubMed
Improving Reality Virtually: Advent of the Virtual "Digi-ceutical"? - PubMed
Treatment interventions for Severe and Enduring Eating Disorders: Systematic review - PubMed
Biases and the surgeon - PubMed
Are the "Pads" Back? - PubMed