Using Expert Panels to Examine the Content Validity and Inter-Rater Reliability of the ABLLS-R
A review of the content and psychometric properties of cancer-related fatigue (CRF) measures used to assess fatigue in intervention studies
Measuring characteristics of individuals: An updated systematic review of instruments’ psychometric properties - Cameo Stanick, Heather Halko, Kayne Mettert, Caitlin Dorsey, Joanna Moullin, Bryan Weiner, Byron Powell, Cara C Lewis, 2021
Measuring characteristics of individuals: An updated systematic review of instruments’ psychometric properties - Cameo Stanick, Heather Halko, Kayne Mettert, Caitlin Dorsey, Joanna Moullin, Bryan Weiner, Byron Powell, Cara C Lewis, 2021
Measuring Violence Against Children: A COSMIN Systematic Review of the Psychometric and Administrative Properties of Adult Retrospective Self-report Instruments on Child Abuse and Neglect - Bridget Steele, Lakshmi Neelakantan, Janina Jochim, Lynn M. Davies, Mark Boyes, Hannabeth Franchino-Olsen, Michael Dunne, Franziska Meinck, 2023
Assessment of content validity and psychometric properties of VISA-A for Achilles tendinopathy
Development and psychometric properties of the Digital Difficulties Scale (DDS): An instrument to measure who is disadvantaged to fulfill basic needs by experiencing difficulties in using a smartphone or computer
Reliability, validity and relevance of needs assessment... : JBI Evidence Synthesis
Psychometric properties of implementation measures for public health and community settings and mapping of constructs against the Consolidated Framework for Implementation Research: a systematic review - Implementation Science
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