Work Begins to Support Self-Healing of Body and Mind
Researchers to develop ‘intelligent spinal interface’ with $6.3 million in DARPA funding | Brown University
New Generation of Intelligent Bio-Interfaces Could Overcome Aspects of Spinal Cord Injury
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DARPA Funds Brain-Stimulation Research to Speed Learning U.S. Department of Defense Defense Department News
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Vagus Nerve Stimulation Enhances Stable Plasticity and Generalization of Stroke Recovery
Methadone Access for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic Within the United States and Canada - PMC
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Establishing and Maintaining Job Skills and Professional Behaviors in Chronically Unemployed Drug Abusers: Substance Use & Misuse: Vol 42, No 7
Establishing and maintaining job skills and professional behaviors in chronically unemployed drug abusers - PubMed
A randomized controlled trial of the therapeutic workplace for community methadone patients: a partial failure to engage - PubMed
Sexual Inactivity in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Patients - PMC
Pharmacogenomics biomarkers for personalized methadone maintenance treatment: The mechanism and its potential use - PubMed
Sexual Inactivity in Methadone Maintenance Treatment Patients - PubMed
Reasons for Increasing Daily Methadone Maintenance Dosage among Deceptive Patients: A Qualitative Study - PubMed
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Associations between relationship quality and treatment-related stress among couples receiving methadone for opioid use disorder - PubMed
Optimizing response to methadone maintenance treatment: use of higher-dose methadone - PubMed
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Alexithymia and pain experience among patients using methadone-maintenance therapy - PubMed
Oxybutynin for methadone-induced sweating in pregnancy - PubMed
The Use of the Methadone/Metabolite Ratio (MMR) to Identify an Individual Metabolic Phenotype and Assess Risks of Poor Response and Adverse Effects: Towards Scientific Methadone Dosing - PubMed
Methadone against cancer: Lost in translation - PubMed
Interim methadone - Effective but underutilized: A scoping review - PubMed
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