Methamphetamine potentiates HIV-1 Tat protein-mediated activation of redox-sensitive pathways in discrete regions of the brain - PubMed

BIORESEARCH + "methnames"
Biosynthesis and metabolism of endothelium-derived nitric oxide - PubMed
The DDAH-ADMA-NOS pathway - PubMed
ER stress and the unfolded protein response - PubMed
Prior stimulation of the endocannabinoid system prevents methamphetamine-induced dopaminergic neurotoxicity in the striatum through activation of CB2 receptors - PubMed
Debiasing Desire: Addressing Bias and Discrimination on Intimate Platforms
Air force rushes to defend amphetamine use
Is Ritalin Raising Kids To Be Drug Addicts? -- Phyllis Schlafly June 21, 2000 column.
The U.S. Military Needs Its Speed | WIRED
Dealing with Tragedy by Using Meth - Crystal Meth Recovery
A drug kids take in search of better grades -
The Underground World of “Neuroenhancing” Drugs | The New Yorker
Scarcity of ADHD drugs points to larger problem -
What You Need To Know About Captagon, The Drug Of Choice In War-Torn Syria
The Drugging of the American Boy
Amphetamine Politics on Capitol Hill
Brain rewiring during learning boosted by drug | New Scientist
Amphetamines (also Speed; Adderall; Dexedrine) : Erowid Exp: Main Index
Erowid Library/Bookstore : Drug Related Books
Erowid Library/Bookstore : 'Secrets of Methamphetamine Manufacture'
Erowid Library/Bookstore : 'Crystal Children'
Erowid Library/Bookstore : 'Amphetamine Synthesis' Erowid Reference 7163 : Making the first anti-depressant: amphetamine in American medicine, 1929-1950 : Rasmussen N
Ask Erowid : ID 1600 : Is it OK to take adderall if I don't have ADD?
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The Drugging of the American Boy
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Pervasive computing technologies for healthcare
Cronfa - Swansea University Open Access Repository · 1 Psychometric development of the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Questionnaire (GSRQ) demonstrated good validity Hayley A Hutchings1*, - [PDF Document]
Functional, motor, and sensory assessment instruments upon nerve repair in adult hands: systematic review of psychometric properties - Systematic Reviews