Psychodynamic Intervention in Crisis - PubMed
Family-Based Crisis Intervention With Suicidal Adolescents: A Randomized Clinical Trial - PubMed
Emotional crisis in a naturalistic context: characterizing outpatient profiles and treatment effectiveness - PubMed
[Metacognitive Therapy and Pharmacotherapy - Adapted to Unaccompanied Refugee Minors] - PubMed
A Successful Debrief Program for House Staff - PubMed
Good Cop, Better Cop: Evaluation of a Geriatrics Training Program for Police - PubMed
Critical incident stress debriefing after adverse patient safety events - PubMed
Building on mental health training for law enforcement: strengthening community partnerships - PubMed
Informed, advance refusals of treatment by people with severe mental illness in a randomised controlled trial of joint crisis plans: demand, content and correlates - PubMed
Intensive home treatment for patients in acute psychiatric crisis situations: a multicentre randomized controlled trial - PubMed
Code Lavender: A tool for staff support - PubMed
Police interactions and interventions with suspects flagged as experiencing mental health problems - PubMed
Perceived crisis and reforms: Issues, explanations, and remedies - PubMed
Short-term effects of crisis response planning on optimism in a U.S. Army sample - PubMed
Peer-supported self-management for people discharged from a mental health crisis team: a randomised controlled trial - PubMed
A Systematic Process for Selection of a Crisis Prevention/De-Escalation Training Program in the Hospital Setting - PubMed
Randomized controlled trial of an online machine learning-driven risk assessment and intervention platform for increasing the use of crisis services - PubMed
The "appropriate adult": What they do and what they should do in police interviews with mentally disordered suspects - PubMed
Impact of Mobile Crisis Services on Emergency Department Use Among Youths With Behavioral Health Service Needs - PubMed
Therapist and computer-based brief interventions for drug use within a randomized controlled trial: effects on parallel trajectories of alcohol use, cannabis use and anxiety symptoms - PubMed
Merging Intentional Peer Support and Dialogic Practice: Implementation Lessons From Parachute NYC - PubMed
Cairns Mental Health Co-Responder Project: Essential elements and challenges to programme implementation - PubMed
Nursing interventions for adults following a mental health crisis: A systematic review guided by trauma-informed principles - PubMed
Brief interventions targeting long-term benzodiazepine and Z-drug use in primary care: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed
Peer support for people with severe mental illness versus usual care in high-, middle- and low-income countries: study protocol for a pragmatic, multicentre, randomised controlled trial (UPSIDES-RCT) - PubMed
COVID-19 Epidemic Peer Support and Crisis Intervention Via Social Media - PubMed
Psychological crisis intervention response to the COVID 19 pandemic: A Tunisian centralised Protocol - PubMed
COVID19 pandemic and people with opioid use disorder: innovation to reduce risk - PubMed
e-INEBRIA Special Interest Group Roadmap for Best Practices for Research on Brief Digital Interventions for Problematic Alcohol and Illicit Drug Use - PubMed
Effects of an automated digital brief prevention intervention targeting adolescents and young adults with risky alcohol and other substance use: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial - PubMed