Setting the beat of an internal clock: Effects of dexamphetamine on different interval ranges of temporal processing in healthy volunteers - PubMed
Effects of dopaminergic and serotonergic compounds in rats trained to discriminate a high and a low training dose of the synthetic cathinone mephedrone - PubMed
Progress in agonist therapy for substance use disorders: Lessons learned from methadone and buprenorphine - PubMed
Contingency tracking during unsignaled delayed reinforcement: Effects of delay duration and d-amphetamine - PubMed
Pharmacological validation of a translational model of cocaine use disorder: Effects of d-amphetamine maintenance on choice between intravenous cocaine and a nondrug alternative in humans and rhesus monkeys - PubMed
The impact of psychostimulants on sustained attention over a 24-h period - PubMed
Quantifying the Protective Effects of Stimulants on Functional Outcomes in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Focus on Number Needed to Treat Statistic and Sex Effects - PubMed
Methamphetamine Use: A New Wave in the Opioid Crisis? - PubMed
Presynaptic dopamine deficit in minimally conscious state patients following traumatic brain injury - PubMed
Nonmedical use of d-Amphetamines and Methylphenidate in Medical Students - PubMed
Pharmacological Enhancement of Stroke Rehabilitation - PubMed
Home induction and outpatient treatment of kratom use disorder with buprenorphine-naloxone: A case report in a young adult - PubMed
Effects of dopamine and serotonin synthesis inhibitors on the ketamine-, d-amphetamine-, and cocaine-induced locomotor activity of preweanling and adolescent rats: sex differences - PubMed
Amphetamine Use in the Elderly: A Systematic Review of the Literature - PubMed
Examination of the effects of SCH23390 and raclopride infused in the dorsal striatum on amphetamine-induced timing impulsivity measured on a differential reinforcement of low-rate responding (DRL) task in rats - PubMed
Anticipation of monetary reward in amygdala, insula, caudate are predictors of pleasure sensitivity to d-Amphetamine administration - PubMed
Effects of exposure to chronic uncertainty and a sensitizing regimen of amphetamine injections on locomotion, decision-making, and dopamine receptors in rats - PubMed
What Is That? Innumerable Mysterious Densities Identified on Abdominal Imaging - PubMed
Amphetamine promotes cortical Up state: Role of adrenergic receptors - PubMed
NQO1 regulates pharmaco-behavioral effects of d-amphetamine in striatal dopaminergic system in mice - PubMed
Working adeptly to diagnose and treat adult ADHD - PubMed
Dose Adjustment of Stimulants for Children with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder: A Retrospective Chart Review of the Impact of Exceeding Recommended Doses - PubMed
The use of stimulants in depression: Results from a self-controlled register study - PubMed
Systemic steroids in patients with COVID-19: pros and contras, an endocrinological point of view - PubMed
Lisdexamfetamine Alters BOLD-fMRI Activations Induced by Odor Cues in Impulsive Children - PubMed
Metabotropic glutamate type 5 receptor binding availability during dextroamphetamine sensitization in mice and humans - PubMed
Prescription psychostimulants for the treatment of stimulant use disorder: a systematic review and meta-analysis - PubMed
Amphetamine, Dextroamphetamine Mixed Salts-Associated Ischemic Colitis - PubMed
Dose-response effects of d-amphetamine on effort-based decision-making and reinforcement learning - PubMed
Clinical guidance on pharmacotherapy for the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) for people with intellectual disability - PubMed