What makes an intervention culturally competent? - PubMed
[Intervention in situations of psychic crisis: challenges and suggestions of a prehospital care staff] - PubMed
A complexity-based approach to batterer intervention programmes - PubMed
Impact of the 2nd story peer respite program on use of inpatient and emergency services - PubMed
Peer respites: a research and practice agenda - PubMed
[Modern crisis support requires utilization of new knowledge] - PubMed
[Diffusing crisis situations with intervention] - PubMed
Implementation of the Crisis Resolution Team model in adult mental health settings: a systematic review - PubMed
Balancing practice policies with patient needs - PubMed
Preventing suicide requires more attention on technology-based crisis support services - PubMed
Examining implementation of mobile, police-mental health crisis intervention teams in a large urban center - PubMed
Outcomes achieved by and police and clinician perspectives on a joint police officer and mental health clinician mobile response unit - PubMed
Procedures for risk management and a review of crisis referrals from the MindSpot Clinic, a national service for the remote assessment and treatment of anxiety and depression - PubMed
Crisis intervention for people with severe mental illnesses - PubMed
[Temporality and psychological debriefing of groups: a variant of logical time] - PubMed
The Need for New Emphasis on Batterers Intervention Programs - PubMed
[The NETWASS prevention model for early identification and assessment of adolescents in psychosocial crisis] - PubMed
Implementing an ED Critical Incident Stress Management Team - PubMed
The Hamilton Mobile Crisis Rapid Response Team: A First-Responder Mental Health Service - PubMed
Making Judgments: How Blame Mediates the Influence of Rape Myth Acceptance in Police Response to Sexual Assault - PubMed
What can psychoanalysis contribute to the current refugee crisis?: Preliminary reports from STEP-BY-STEP: A psychoanalytic pilot project for supporting refugees in a "first reception camp" and crisis interventions with traumatized refugees - PubMed
Psychometric Properties of Disaster Event Reaction Items From the Crisis Counseling Individual/Family Encounter Log - PubMed
Descriptive study of older adults encountered by crisis intervention team (CIT) law enforcement officers - PubMed
New risks: the intended and unintended effects of mental health reform - PubMed
'Dale': an interpretative phenomenological analysis of a service user's experience with a crisis resolution/home treatment team in the United Kingdom - PubMed
Implementing street triage: a qualitative study of collaboration between police and mental health services - PubMed
Patients' experiences of care and support at home after a family member's participation in an intervention during palliative care - PubMed
Supporting Community Health Workers After a Disaster: Findings From a Mixed-Methods Pilot Evaluation Study of a Psychoeducational Intervention - PubMed
Solution-focused nursing in a crisis situation improves patient outcomes - PubMed
Adapting Open Dialogue for Early-Onset Psychosis Into the U.S. Health Care Environment: A Feasibility Study - PubMed