Neural response to visual sexual cues in dopamine treatment-linked hypersexuality in Parkinson’s disease
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Combined Dextroamphetamine and Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Poststroke Aphasia - PubMed
Targeting of dopamine transporter to filopodia requires an outward-facing conformation of the transporter - PubMed
Sweet taste liking is associated with subjective response to amphetamine in women but not men - PubMed
Neuronal Depolarization Drives Increased Dopamine Synaptic Vesicle Loading via VGLUT - PubMed
Influence of intertrial interval on basal and drug-induced impulsive action in the 5-choice serial reaction time task: Effects of d-amphetamine and (±)-2,5-dimethoxy-4-iodoamphetamine (DOI) - PubMed
Optimization of IL13Rα2-Targeted Chimeric Antigen Receptor T Cells for Improved Anti-tumor Efficacy against Glioblastoma - PubMed
False-Positive Findings on Dopamine Transporter SPECT Due to Therapeutic Dextroamphetamine and Amphetamine - PubMed
Validation of a behavioral economic purchase task for assessing drug abuse liability - PubMed
Rewarding effects of physical activity predict sensitivity to the acute subjective effects of d-amphetamine in healthy volunteers - PubMed
Amphetamine primes enhanced motivation toward uncertain choices in rats with genetic alcohol preference - PubMed
Neural activation to monetary reward is associated with amphetamine reward sensitivity - PubMed
Effects of d-amphetamine on risk choice in rats depend on the manner in which the expected reward value is varied - PubMed
Response-inhibition capacity in spontaneously hypertensive and Wistar rats: acquisition of fixed minimum interval performance and responsiveness to D-amphetamine - PubMed
Blunted endogenous opioid release following an oral dexamphetamine challenge in abstinent alcohol-dependent individuals - PubMed
Caffeine-Induced Psychosis in a Bodybuilder With Chronic Testosterone and Amphetamine/Dextroamphetamine Misuse - PubMed
Validation and optimisation of a touchscreen progressive ratio test of motivation in male rats - PubMed
Amphetamines for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults - PubMed
Effect of Dextroamphetamine on Poststroke Motor Recovery: A Randomized Clinical Trial - PubMed
Pharmacotherapy for amphetamine dependence: A systematic review - PubMed
Lack of consistent sex differences in D-amphetamine-induced dopamine release measured with [18F]fallypride PET - PubMed
Vigilance demand and the effects of stimulant drugs in a five-choice reaction-time procedure in mice - PubMed
Effect of microinjections of dopamine into the nucleus accumbens shell on emission of 50 kHz USV: Comparison with effects of d-amphetamine - PubMed
Treatment-induced Delusions of Infestation Associated with Increased Brain Dopamine Levels - PubMed
The role of neurotrophic factors in manic-, anxious- and depressive-like behaviors induced by amphetamine sensitization: Implications to the animal model of bipolar disorder - PubMed
Development of a Semimechanistic Pharmacokinetic-Pharmacodynamic Model Describing Dextroamphetamine Exposure and Striatal Dopamine Response in Rats and Nonhuman Primates following a Single Dose of Dextroamphetamine - PubMed