Family and peer interventions for adults: past approaches and future directions - PubMed

Containment strategies for people with serious mental illness - PubMed
Value of debriefing during simulated crisis management: oral versus video-assisted oral feedback - PubMed
Critical incident stress debriefing for law enforcement: practical models and special applications - PubMed
The Strength-Focused and Meaning-Oriented Approach to Resilience and Transformation (SMART): A body-mind-spirit approach to trauma management - PubMed
Differentiating a bad day from a crisis - PubMed
Appropriate use of police officers? - PubMed
Using the mind, body, and spirit to move beyond life's traumas - PubMed
A randomised controlled trial of group debriefing - PubMed
Disarming people with words: strategies of interactional communication that crisis (hostage) negotiators share with systemic clinicians - PubMed
Contemporary management of aggression in an inner city mental health service - PubMed
Think about it till it hurts: targeting intensive services to facilitate behaviour change - two examples from the field of substance misuse - PubMed
The effect of stressor severity on outcome following group debriefing - PubMed
Primary intervention for memory structuring and meaning acquisition (PIMSMA): study of a mental health first-aid intervention in the ED with injured survivors of suicide bombing attacks - PubMed
Ambulatory care provision versus first admission to psychiatric hospital: 5 years follow up - PubMed
Military psychology and police psychology: mutual contributions to crisis intervention and stress management - PubMed
Police peer support programs: current knowledge and practice - PubMed
Psychological interventions following terrorist attacks - PubMed
Satisfaction and burnout among staff of crisis resolution, assertive outreach and community mental health teams. A multicentre cross sectional survey - PubMed
Resistance and resilience: the final frontier in traumatic stress management - PubMed
"On the spot" interventions by mental health nurses in inpatient psychiatric wards in Greece - PubMed
[Crisis intervention--the summary of a unique interventional program for medical students] - PubMed
Implementing an SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment) program in the emergency department: challenges and rewards - PubMed
A wounded warrior looks at Psalm 13 - PubMed
Perceived benefits and psychosocial outcomes of a brief existential family intervention for cancer patients/survivors - PubMed
The short stay unit: a potential solution in crisis intervention - PubMed
[Youth: prospect instead of crisis] - PubMed
Social deprivation and the outcomes of crisis resolution and home treatment for people with mental health problems: a historical cohort study - PubMed
On-scene crisis intervention: psychological guidelines and communication strategies for first responders - PubMed
Post-action staff support for the Concerns of Police Survivors Organization (COPS) - PubMed