Conspecific presence affects the physiology and behaviour of developing trout - PubMed

Environmental Groups Set To Challenge WOTUS Rule Delay Under Endangered Species Act - Environment - United States
Conspecific presence, but not pilferage, influences pinyon jays’ ( Gymnorhinus cyanocephalus ) caching behavior | SpringerLink
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Conspecific presence makes exploiting cryptic prey more difficult in wild-caught nutmeg mannikins - ScienceDirect
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(PDF) Effect of a conspecific’s presence on deprived rats’ performance: social facilitation vs distraction/imitation | Thomas Zentall -
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Neuronal Responses to Conspecifics in the Ventral CA1 - ScienceDirect
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Resource quality or competition: why increase resource acceptance in the presence of conspecifics? - Abstract - Europe PMC
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(PDF) Effects of conspecific presence on arrival and use of hosts in Ceratitis capitata flies | Roger Vargas -
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Presence of conspecifics and their odor‐impregnated objects reverse stress‐decreased neurogenesis in mouse dentate gyrus - Cherng - 2010 - Journal of Neurochemistry - Wiley Online Library
"Habitat structure, conspecific presence and spatial variaiton in the r" by Phillip S. Levin
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Neuronal Responses to Conspecifics in the Ventral CA1: Cell Reports
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