Damodar Valley Corporation | DVC Act
GNU Aspell / Feature Requests / #15 Send To - Aspell with other languages
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Social and asocial prefrontal cortex neurons: a new look at social facilitation and the social brain | Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience | Oxford Academic
PROTECTIVE HEALTH SERV. v. VAUGHN | 2009 OK 61 | Okla. | Judgment | Law | CaseMine
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Pixel Coordinate System · cornerstone
ERIC - ED320094 - Social Facilitation: A Test of Two Theories., 1987-May
Enabled Elements · cornerstone
The self-attention-induced feedback loop and social facilitation — University of Miami's Research Profiles
The Cantonments’ Ordinance, 2002 (XXXVII of 2002)
Social Study & Parenting Plan Facilitation
Rendering Loop · cornerstone
Social Facilitation Vs. Social Loafing - Psychologenie
Automatically Generated Inflection Database (AGID)
Replicating Roaches: A Preregistered Direct Replication of Zajonc, Heingartner, and Herman’s (1969) Social-Facilitation Study - Emma Halfmann, Janne Bredehöft, Jan Alexander Häusser, 2020
Zero-variable Theories and the Psychology of the Explainer PDF - grunnanwollphalviecas6
kevina Activity
GNU Aspell / Feature Requests / #61 Report Mode Option
GitHub - en-wl/wordlist: SCOWL (and friends).
GitHub - en-wl/wordlist: SCOWL (and friends).
I Love Capitalism!: An American Story: Langone, Ken: 9780735216242: Amazon.com: Books