Pretty Lil out Hot White Girl

Knowing the Enemy Is Halfway towards Victory: A Scoping Review on Opioid-Induced Hyperalgesia - PubMed
Midazolam, methamphetamine, morphine and nicotine intake in high-drinking-in-the-dark mice - PubMed
Medications for management of opioid use disorder - PubMed
Supervised dosing with a long-acting opioid medication in the management of opioid dependence - PubMed
Risk of Experiencing an Overdose Event for Patients Undergoing Treatment With Medication for Opioid Use Disorder - PubMed
[Opioid substitution therapy and harm reduction] - PubMed
Iteration is not solving the opioid crisis, it's time for transformation - PubMed
"Just fighting for my life to stay alive": a qualitative investigation of barriers and facilitators to community re-entry among people with opioid use disorder and incarceration histories - PubMed
Telehealth for opioid use disorder: retention as a function of demographics and rurality - PubMed
Treatment access for opioid use disorder among women with medicaid in Florida - PubMed
'I just thought that was the best thing for me to do at this point': Exploring patient experiences with depot buprenorphine and their motivations to discontinue - PubMed
Differential effect of cannabis use on opioid agonist treatment outcomes: Exploratory analyses from the OPTIMA study - PubMed
Integrating cognitive bias modification for pain and opioid cues into medication for opioid use disorder clinical care: Feasibility, acceptability, and preliminary results - PubMed
Smartphone intervention to optimize medication-assisted treatment outcomes for opioid use disorder: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial - PubMed
Substance use disorder bridge clinics: models, evidence, and future directions - PubMed
Duration of medication for opioid use disorder during pregnancy and postpartum by race/ethnicity: Results from 6 state Medicaid programs - PubMed
Prevalence of Buprenorphine Providers Requiring Cash Payment From Insured Women Seeking Opioid Use Disorder Treatment - PubMed
Biopsychosocial contexts of timely and adequate prenatal care utilization among women with criminal legal involvement and opioid use disorder - PubMed
Augmenting project ECHO for opioid use disorder with data-informed quality improvement - PubMed
The Impact of Individual Counseling on Treatment for Opioid Use - PubMed
Treating opioid use disorder in veterans with co-occurring substance use: a qualitative study with buprenorphine providers in primary care, mental health, and pain settings - PubMed
"It's Like Your Whole Body Hates You": Experiences of Withdrawal, Distress, and Barriers to Relief Among Adults Receiving Methadone for Opioid Use Disorder - PubMed
Methadone alters transcriptional programs associated with synapse formation in human cortical organoids - PubMed
More than just 'free heroin': Caring whilst navigating constraint in the delivery of diamorphine assisted treatment - PubMed
Drug use, health and social outcomes of hard-to-treat heroin addicts receiving supervised injectable opiate treatment: secondary outcomes from the Randomized Injectable Opioid Treatment Trial (RIOTT) - PubMed
'This is hardcore': a qualitative study exploring service users' experiences of Heroin-Assisted Treatment (HAT) in Middlesbrough, England - PubMed
"Opiate Substitution Treatment"[MeSH] - Search Results - PubMed
Primary care management of opioid use disorders: Abstinence, methadone, or buprenorphine-naloxone? - PubMed
Sensitivity to change of generic preference-based instruments (EQ-5D-3L, EQ-5D-5L, and HUI3) in the context of treatment for people with prescription-type opioid use disorder in Canada - PubMed