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God Who Comes, Dionysian Mysteries Reclaimed: Taylor-Perry, Rosemarie: 9780875862132: Amazon.com: Books
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D4 and D5 dopamine receptor mRNA expression in human peripheral blood lymphocytes among cooccurring opioid and amphetamine-type stimulants use disorder undergoing methadone maintenance therapy | Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science
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D4 and D5 dopamine receptor mRNA expression in human peripheral blood lymphocytes among cooccurring opioid and amphetamine-type stimulants use disorder undergoing methadone maintenance therapy | Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science
Development of a unilaterally-lesioned 6-OHDA mouse model of Parkinson's disease - PubMed
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Neural Circuitry of Reward Prediction Error - PubMed
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A neural network model with dopamine-like reinforcement signal that learns a spatial delayed response task - PubMed
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Computing reward-prediction error: an integrated account of cortical timing and basal-ganglia pathways for appetitive and aversive learning - PubMed
The place of dopamine in the cortico-basal ganglia circuit - PubMed
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Aversive Learning | SpringerLink
Neural systems involved in fear and anxiety measured with fear-potentiated startle - PubMed
"When a rat smells a cat": the distribution of Fos immunoreactivity in rat brain following exposure to a predatory odor - PubMed
Cue and context conditioning of defensive behaviors to cat odor stimuli - PubMed
Dopamine promotes formation and secretion of non-fibrillar alpha-synuclein oligomers | Experimental & Molecular Medicine
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