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Publications iCoSys - iCoSys
Publications iCoSys - iCoSys
For a list of relevant conferences to our research axes, click here. Entries: 319 Expand all Collapse all 2021 (2) O. Zayene, R. Ingold, N. E. BenAmara, and J. Hennebert, “ICPR2020 Competition on Text Detection and Recognition in Arabic News Video Frames,” in Pattern Recognition. ICPR International Workshops and Challenges: Virtual Event, January 10-15, 2021, Proceedings, […]
Publications iCoSys - iCoSys
Progress in wearable electronics/photonics—Moving toward the era of artificial intelligence and internet of things - Shi - 2020 - InfoMat - Wiley Online Library
Progress in wearable electronics/photonics—Moving toward the era of artificial intelligence and internet of things - Shi - 2020 - InfoMat - Wiley Online Library
Wearable electronics and photonics have advanced rapidly and impacted significantly on the way of healthcare monitoring/treatment, ambient monitoring/intervention, prosthetics, soft robotics, flexibl...
Progress in wearable electronics/photonics—Moving toward the era of artificial intelligence and internet of things - Shi - 2020 - InfoMat - Wiley Online Library
Program Director (Water) - Ceres - Josh's Water Jobs
Program Director (Water) - Ceres - Josh's Water Jobs
Organization Ceres is a sustainability nonprofit organization leading the most influential investors and companies to build leadership and drive solutions throughout the economy.
Program Director (Water) - Ceres - Josh's Water Jobs
Prof. C. C. Jay Kuo Profile
Prof. C. C. Jay Kuo Profile
Search the leading research in optics and photonics applied research from SPIE journals, conference proceedings and presentations, and eBooks
Prof. C. C. Jay Kuo Profile
preprocess 5. Automating alignment - YouTube
preprocess 5. Automating alignment - YouTube
Here we will show how to automatically find good settings for correlation optimized warping (COW). Code used in the video: %% Prepare data % Data available at https://bit.ly/2uvYtLp load WARP_GC_TIC.mat X = Xtic.data(:,2040:3130); optim_space = [5 100 2 10]; options = [0 3 50 .15]; ref = ref_select(X,[],[1 1]); %% Run the optimization [optim_pars,OS,diagnos] = optim_cow(X,optim_space,options,ref); %% [Warping,XWarped,Diagnos] = cow(ref,X,53,4); %% ax(1) = subplot(2,1,1); plot(XWarped') title('Warped'); axis tight ax(2)=subplot(2,1,2) plot(X'); title('Raw') axis tight shg linkaxes(ax,'xy'); shg
preprocess 5. Automating alignment - YouTube
Prediction of Total Phenolic Content in Extracts of Prunella Species from HPLC Profiles by Multivariate Calibration
Prediction of Total Phenolic Content in Extracts of Prunella Species from HPLC Profiles by Multivariate Calibration
The multivariate calibration methods—principal component regression (PCR) and partial least squares (PLSs)—were employed for the prediction of total phenol contents of four Prunella species. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and spectrophotometric approaches were used to determine the total phenol content of the Prunella samples. Several preprocessing techniques such as smoothing, normalization, and column centering were employed to extract the chemically relevant information from the data after alignment with correlation optimized warping (COW). The importance of the preprocessing was investigated by calculating the root mean square error (RMSE) for the calibration set of the total phenol content of Prunella samples. The models developed based on the preprocessed data were able to predict the total phenol content with a precision comparable to that of the reference of the Folin-Ciocalteu method. PLS model seems preferable, because of its predictive and describing abilities and good interpretability of the contribution of compounds to the total phenol content. Multivariate calibration methods were constructed to model the total phenol content of the Prunella samples from the HPLC profiles and indicate peaks responsible for the total phenol content successfully.
Prediction of Total Phenolic Content in Extracts of Prunella Species from HPLC Profiles by Multivariate Calibration
PPT - AFNI, SUMA, and NIML : Interprocess Communication in FMRI Data Analysis PowerPoint Presentation - ID:3084794
PPT - AFNI, SUMA, and NIML : Interprocess Communication in FMRI Data Analysis PowerPoint Presentation - ID:3084794
AFNI, SUMA, and NIML : Interprocess Communication in FMRI Data Analysis. Robert W Cox and Ziad S Saad Statistical and Scientific Computing Core National Institute of Mental Health, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, USA. Linked Programs.
PPT - AFNI, SUMA, and NIML : Interprocess Communication in FMRI Data Analysis PowerPoint Presentation - ID:3084794