Heterochronic parabiosis: a valuable tool to investigate cellular senescence and other hallmarks of aging | Aging

Heterochronic parabiosis induces stem cell revitalization and systemic rejuvenation across aged tissues - ScienceDirect
Three-Month Heterochronic Parabiosis Has a Deleterious Effect on the Lifespan of Young Animals, Without a Positive Effect for Old Animals | Rejuvenation Research
Heterochronic parabiosis for the study of the effects of aging on stem cells and their niches - PMC
Heterochronic parabiosis reprograms the mouse brain transcriptome by shifting aging signatures in multiple cell types | Nature Aging
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Large-scale in vivo CRISPR screens identify SAGA complex members as a key regulators of HSC lineage commitment and aging | bioRxiv
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View of Efectiveness of Implemenying Qris Transacyion In Pandemic Covid-19 | Journal Research of Social Science, Economics, and Management
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Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule | Florida Department of Environmental Protection
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Brominated flame retardants in breast milk from the United States: First detection of bromophenols in U.S. breast milk - ScienceDirect
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