The Sham Surgery Debate and the Moral Complexity of Risk-Benefit Analysis: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 3, No 4

Forensic Psychiatry
Analyzing Ethical Problems in Medical Products: The Role of Conflicting Ethical Theories: Clinical Research and Regulatory Affairs: Vol 11, No 2
Using introspective self@narrative to analyze consumption: Experiencing plastic surgery: Consumption Markets & Culture: Vol 3, No 2
Safer Surgery: Analysing Behaviour in the Operating Theatre: Ergonomics: Vol 54, No 11
Analyzing third stream: Contemporary Music Review: Vol 19, No 1
Analyzing Nietzschean Virtue in Business Ethics: Journal of Social Sciences: Vol 41, No 2
Sham Osteoarthritis Surgery Mimics the Real Thing: The Physician and Sportsmedicine: Vol 30, No 12
Sham Surgery in Research: A Surgeon's View: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 3, No 4
Analysing policy arguments: The European Journal of Development Research: Vol 8, No 1
Old and New Threats to Submerged Cultural Landscapes: Fishing, Farming and Energy Development: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites: Vol 11, No 1
'Die Rache der Barbaren sei dir fern!': Myth, Identity, and the Encounter with the Colonial Other in Heinrich von Kleist's Die Hermannsschlacht: Publications of the English Goethe Society: Vol 78, No 1-2
Healthcare marketing has five 'P's: Journal of Management & Marketing in Healthcare: Vol 1, No 3
Theory Terminable and Interminable: On Presentism, Historicism, and the Problem of Hamlet: Exemplaria: Vol 19, No 3
Morality and consumption: towards a multidisciplinary perspective: Journal of Marketing Management: Vol 23, No 3-4
Attitudes toward Organ Donation among Elderly Adults: Journal of Social Distress and Homelessness: Vol 21, No 1-2
"Babies Cost Less at Tesco": Journal of Marketing Management: Vol 18, No 9-10
Religion and biodiversity conservation: not a mere analogy: International Journal of Biodiversity Science & Management: Vol 1, No 2
Commitment, Objectivity and Accountability to Communities: Priorities for 21st-Century Archaeology: Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites: Vol 10, No 4
Shining a Light on Dark Tourism: German Bunkers in the British Channel Islands: Public Archaeology: Vol 9, No 2
Myth of the Anasazi: Archaeological Language, Collaborative Communities, and the Contested Past: Public Archaeology: Vol 8, No 2-3
Sham Surgery: To Cut or Not to Cut—That Is the Ethical Dilemma: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 3, No 4
The Irish troubles analyzed: Terrorism and Political Violence: Vol 5, No 1
Outcome predictors of open embolectomy in middle cerebral artery occlusion: Neurological Research: Vol 31, No 9
Primarily generalized seizures are more effective than partial seizures in arousing patients from sleep: Neurological Research: Vol 25, No 1
Comparison of the recovery profile of epidural and general anesthesia for hemorrhoidectomy: The Pain Clinic: Vol 17, No 3
The tethered cord syndrome in adults with spina bifida occulta: Neurological Research: Vol 26, No 7
Brain retractor systems: Neurological Research: Vol 32, No 7
Conservative management, gamma-knife radiosurgery, and microsurgery for acoustic neurinomas: A systematic review of outcome and risk of three therapeutic options: Neurological Research: Vol 25, No 7
Clinical results in paediatric cochlear implantation: Cochlear Implants International: Vol 4, No 3
Sham Surgery: Not an Oxymoron: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 3, No 4