Ethical analysis: Australasian Journal of Philosophy: Vol 40, No 2

Forensic Psychiatry
Social Aspects of Sham Surgeries: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 3, No 4
Kicking the Habit? Cinema, Gender, and the Ethics of Care in Almodóvar's Entre tinieblas: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies: Vol 76, No 1
Asking For Trouble: Ethics, Agenda and Personal Storytelling in a Women's FGM Health Project: NJ: Vol 35, No 1
Opening Pandora's Box: The Ethics of Practice in Multicultural Communities: NJ: Vol 32, No 1
Tradition, Genre, Ethics and Politics in Ausiàs March's maldit: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies: Vol 68, No 3
Full article: Effects of thermophoresis, Soret-Dufour on heat and mass transfer flow of magnetohydrodynamics non-Newtonian nanofluid over an inclined plate
Ethics of Research Involving Mandatory Drug Testing of High School Athletes in Oregon: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 4, No 1
Use of radiopaque capsules in diagnosis and decision for surgical management in bowel obstruction: The Pain Clinic: Vol 16, No 3
Analgesia or not in conscious sedation: An ethical point of view: The Pain Clinic: Vol 17, No 2
Analyse me: Qualitative Research in Psychology: Vol 15, No 2-3
How far can we push sceptical reflexivity? An analysis of marketing ethics and the certification of poverty: Journal of Marketing Management: Vol 25, No 7-8
El profesor inútil and the Ethical Aesthetics of Benjamín Jarnés: Bulletin of Hispanic Studies: Vol 75, No 4
A Response to Commentators on "Sham Surgery: An Ethical Analysis": The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 3, No 4
The role of standing flexion-extension radiographs for spondylolisthesis following single level disk surgery: Neurological Research: Vol 29, No 6
Physiotherapy and surgery in fecal incontinence: an overview: Physical Therapy Reviews: Vol 13, No 2
Ethical journalism in a time of AIDS: African Journal of AIDS Research: Vol 4, No 2
Analyses: The Military Balance: Vol 88, No 1
Should Children Decide Whether They Are Enrolled in Nonbeneficial Research?: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 3, No 4
A Duty to Participate in Research: Does Social Context Matter?: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 8, No 10
Research Exceptionalism: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 10, No 8
Three Worries About Three Arguments for Research Exceptionalism: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 10, No 8
U.S. Complicity and Japan's Wartime Medical Atrocities: Time for a Response: The American Journal of Bioethics: Vol 15, No 6
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