Report from the National Transplantation Pregnancy Registry (NTPR): outcomes of pregnancy after transplantation - PubMed

Forensic Psychiatry
Treatment of graves' disease with antithyroid drugs in the first trimester of pregnancy and the prevalence of congenital malformation - PubMed
Teratogenesis associated with antibipolar agents - PubMed
Monitoring outcomes of pregnancy following drug exposure: a company-based pregnancy registry program - PubMed
tonic-clonic seizure - Google Search
Antibiotic-induced epileptic seizures: mechanisms of action and clinical considerations - ScienceDirect
Picrotoxin - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Antibiotic-induced epileptic seizures: mechanisms of action and clinical considerations - ScienceDirect
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Seizures in the Critically Ill: The Role of Imipenem
Antibiotic-induced epileptic seizures: mechanisms of action and clinical considerations - ScienceDirect
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Antibiotic-induced epileptic seizures: mechanisms of action and clinical considerations - ScienceDirect
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Antibiotic-induced epileptic seizures: mechanisms of action and clinical considerations - ScienceDirect
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Non-invasive ultrasonic neuromodulation of neuronal excitability for treatment of epilepsy
The Effectiveness of Hering’s Nerve Stimulation in Controlling Penicillin-Induced Seizures in the Rat Is Dependent on the Amygdala - Abstract - Pediatric Neurosurgery 2002, Vol. 37, No. 5 - Karger Publishers
Cumhuriyet Science Journal » Submission » The effect of penicillin-induced epileptiform activity on proinflammatory cytokines levels in the rat brain
Effects of thymoquinone, the major constituent of Nigella sativa seeds, on penicillin-induced epileptiform activity in rats | Neurosciences Journal