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You Are God's Favorite Kid - Praying Medic
You Are God's Favorite Kid - Praying Medic
You are loved by God and he has an incredible plan for your life. Related: Red Pilling the Red Pillers
You Are God's Favorite Kid - Praying Medic
How to Design Cities for Children
How to Design Cities for Children
A billion kids are growing up in urban areas. But not all cities are planned with their needs in mind.
How to Design Cities for Children
Neuroendocrine Control of the Transition to Reproductive Senescence: Lessons Learned from the Female Rodent Model | Neuroendocrinology | Karger Publishers
Neuroendocrine Control of the Transition to Reproductive Senescence: Lessons Learned from the Female Rodent Model | Neuroendocrinology | Karger Publishers
Abstract. The natural transition to reproductive senescence is an important physiological process that occurs with aging, resulting in menopause in women and diminished or lost fertility in most mammalian species. This review focuses on how rodent models have informed our knowledge of age-related changes in gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) neurosecretory function and the subsequent loss of reproductive capacity. Studies in rats and mice have shown molecular, morphological and functional changes in GnRH cells. Furthermore, during reproductive aging altered sex steroid feedback to the hypothalamus contributes to a decrease of stimulatory signaling and increase in inhibitory tone onto GnRH neurons. At the site of the GnRH terminals where the peptide is released into the portal vasculature, the cytoarchitecture of the median eminence becomes disorganized with aging, and mechanisms of glial-GnRH neuronal communication may be disrupted. These changes can result in the dysregulation of GnRH secretion with reproductive decline. Interestingly, reproductive aging effects on the GnRH circuitry are observed in middle age even prior to any obvious physiological changes in cyclicity. We speculate that the hypothalamus may play a critical role in this mid-life transition. Because there are substantial species differences in these aging processes, we also compare and contrast rodent aging to that in primates. Work discussed herein shows that in order to understand neuroendocrine mechanisms of reproductive senescence, further research needs to be conducted in ovarian-intact models.
Neuroendocrine Control of the Transition to Reproductive Senescence: Lessons Learned from the Female Rodent Model | Neuroendocrinology | Karger Publishers
Is degree of sociality associated with reproductive senescence? A comparative analysis across birds and mammals | bioRxiv
Is degree of sociality associated with reproductive senescence? A comparative analysis across birds and mammals | bioRxiv
Our understanding on how widespread reproductive senescence is in the w ild and how the onset and rate of reproductive senescence vary among species in relation to life histories and lifestyles is currently limited. More specifically, whether the species-specific degree of sociality is linked to the occurrence, onset and rate of reproductive senescence remains unknown. Here, we investigate these questions using phylogenetic comparative analyses across 36 bird and 101 mammal species encompassing a wide array of life histories, lifestyles and social traits. We found that female reproductive senescence (1) is widespread and occurs with similar frequency (about two thirds) in birds and mammals; (2) occurs later in life and is slower in birds than in similar-sized mammals; (3) occurs later in life and is lower with an increasingly slower pace of life in both vertebrate classes; and (4) is only weakly associated, if any, with the degree of sociality in both classes after accounting for the effect of body size and pace of life. However, when removing the effect of species differences in pace of life, a higher degree of sociality was associated with later and weaker reproductive senescence in females, which suggests that degree of sociality is either indirectly related to reproductive senescence via the pace of life or simply a direct outcome of the pace of life. Subject Areas ecology, evolution ### Competing Interest Statement The authors have declared no competing interest.
Is degree of sociality associated with reproductive senescence? A comparative analysis across birds and mammals | bioRxiv
Senescence impacts reproduction and maternal investment in bottlenose dolphins | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Senescence impacts reproduction and maternal investment in bottlenose dolphins | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Reproductive senescence is evident across many mammalian species. An emerging perspective considers components of reproductive senescence as evolutionarily distinct phenomena: fertility senescence and maternal-effect senescence. While fertility senescence ...
Senescence impacts reproduction and maternal investment in bottlenose dolphins | Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences
Unraveling female reproductive senescence to enhance healthy longevity - PubMed
Unraveling female reproductive senescence to enhance healthy longevity - PubMed
In a society where women often want successful careers and equal opportunities to men, the early nature of ovarian aging often forces women to make difficult life choices between career and family development. Fertility in women begins to decline after the age of 37 years and it is rare for pregnanc …
Unraveling female reproductive senescence to enhance healthy longevity - PubMed
Nature Is Sexist. Can Advances In Longevity Biotechnology Help Restore Reproductive Equality?
Nature Is Sexist. Can Advances In Longevity Biotechnology Help Restore Reproductive Equality?
There is a new season of women bound together by life experiences and by the realized necessity of optionality. The option of having a successful career without foregoing having children. The option to leverage biotechnology for relief from menopause or infertility.
Nature Is Sexist. Can Advances In Longevity Biotechnology Help Restore Reproductive Equality?
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