A Tale of Two Exploits

1988 - project-zero - Project Zero - Monorail
Dude, where’s my heap?
azurewave technology inc. - Google Search
179392 – We should PROT_NONE the Gigacage runway so OOB accesses crash
Down the Rabbit-Hole...
Implant Teardown
SockPuppet: A Walkthrough of a Kernel Exploit for iOS 12.4
File Forensics (GIF File Analysis)
Remote iPhone Exploitation Part 1: Poking Memory via iMessage and CVE-2019-8641
Remote iPhone Exploitation Part 2: Bringing Light into the Darkness -- a Remote ASLR Bypass
QGOMS | Conference Companion on Human Factors in Computing Systems
Remote iPhone Exploitation Part 3: From Memory Corruption to JavaScript and Back -- Gaining Code Execution
Fuzzing ImageIO
Annual Report of the Minister of State for Education - Japan. Monbushō - Google Books
DARPA Seeks to Understand Storytelling; Weaponized Dr. Seuss Imminent | The Mary Sue
GOMS - Google Search
GOMS - Wikipedia
Task Models and Diagrams for Users Interface Design | SpringerLink
SIMATIC S7-1200 -Take control of communication
Page Blanche
Change log
hanafos - Google Search
Release mode crashes when looping through text files (but not debug)
j00ru//vx on Twitter
Martijn terpstra 0814962 whats app and privacy
GitHub - diotro/maestro
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