Learning garment manipulation policies toward robot-assisted dressing - PubMed

Training apartment upkeep skills to rehabilitation clients: a comparison of task analytic strategies - PubMed
A consecutive series of adults with brain injury treated with a washing and dressing retraining program - PubMed
Teaching the handicapped to eat in public places: acquisition, generalization and maintenance of restaurant skills - PubMed
Effects of gross motor activities on the severe self-injurious tantrums of multihandicapped individuals - PubMed
Functional Independence Measure (WeeFIM) for Chinese children: Hong Kong Cohort - PubMed
Manipulating antecedent conditions to alter the stimulus control of problem behavior - PubMed
Teaching adolescents with severe disabilities to use the public telephone - PubMed
Social validation of decelerative (punishment) procedures by special educators of severely handicapped students - PubMed
Teaching secondary students with learning disabilities to self-manage classroom survival skills - PubMed
Training self-feeding skills in children who are deaf and blind - PubMed
Conversation skills training of thought-disordered schizophrenic patients through attention focusing - PubMed
Training and generalization of laundry skills: a multiple probe evaluation with handicapped persons - PubMed
An evaluation of the generalization and maintenance of functional communication and self-control skills with preschoolers - PubMed
Assessment of upper-limb function and movement in children with cerebral palsy wearing lycra garments - PubMed
Social skills training with children: proceed with caution - PubMed
Pyramidal parent training by peers - PubMed
Teaching self-administration of suctioning to children with tracheostomies - PubMed
In vivo amplified skills training: promoting generalization of independent living skills for clients with schizophrenia - PubMed
Generalization and maintenance of treatment gains of behaviorally handicapped students from resource rooms to regular classrooms using self-evaluation procedures - PubMed
Errorless acquiescence training: a potential "keystone" approach to building peer interaction skills in children with severe problem behavior - PubMed
Independent and social play among profoundly mentally retarded adults: training, maintenance, generalization, and long-term follow-up - PubMed
Training developmentally disabled adults in independent meal preparation. Acquisition, generalization, and maintenance - PubMed
Problems with dressing in the frail elderly - PubMed
Facilitating generalization of on-task behavior through self-monitoring of academic tasks - PubMed
Establishing a generalized repertoire of helping behavior in children with autism - PubMed
Trained, generalized, and collateral behavior changes of preschool children receiving gross-motor skills training - PubMed
Dressing for success. Promoting independence among cognitively impaired elderly - PubMed
A social skills training program for preschoolers with developmental delays. Generalization and social validity - PubMed
Use of negative reinforcement in the treatment of self-injurious behavior - PubMed