High-potency ligands for DREADD imaging and activation in rodents and monkeys | Nature Communications

DREADDs (Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs): Chemogenetic Tools with Therapeutic Utility | Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology
DREADDs: The Power of the Lock, the Weakness of the Key. Favoring the Pursuit of Specific Conditions Rather than Specific Ligands | eNeuro
DREADD Agonist 21 Is an Effective Agonist for Muscarinic-Based DREADDs in Vitro and in Vivo | ACS Pharmacology & Translational Science
DREADDs review | Hello Bio
DREADD ligands (CNO / SalB / DCZ) for neuroscience research
DREADD Ligands | Chemogenetics | Tocris Bioscience
Use inert small molecules to control neuronal activity (DREADDs) · Benchling
Chemogenetics revealed: DREADD occupancy and activation via converted clozapine | Science
DREADD: A Chemogenetic GPCR Signaling Platform | International Journal of Neuropsychopharmacology | Oxford Academic
Addgene: Chemogenetics Guide
Introduction to DREADDs – Control Over G Protein Coupled Receptor GPCR signaling
Compound 21, a two-edged sword with both DREADD-selective and off-target outcomes in rats
DREADDs: A Novel Method of Selectively Modulating Neuronal Activity - YouTube
A Revelation About DREADDs: A New Neuroscience Technique with Promise for Clinical Psychiatric Treatment | Biomedical Odyssey
Virus-Mediated Expression of DREADDs for In Vivo Metabolic Studies | SpringerLink
Gi-DREADD Expression in Peripheral Nerves Produces Ligand-Dependent Analgesia, as well as Ligand-Independent Functional Changes in Sensory Neurons | Journal of Neuroscience
Changing the locks | Feature | Chemistry World
Home Page: The Journal of Pain
DREADD Modulation of Human NSCs to Accelerate Neuronal Maturation - John Brock
Silencing Nociceptors Using DREADDs to Improve Functional Outcomes after Spinal Cord Injury
(325) DREADD activation of dopaminergic and glutamatergic neurons in the periaquaductal gray produces differing analgesic responses - The Journal of Pain
1769-P: Microglial Activation and Inactivation via Designer Receptors Exclusively Activated by Designer Drugs (DREADDs) Alters Peripheral Glucose Homeostasis | Diabetes
Non-invasive Strategies for Chronic Manipulation of DREADD-controlled Neuronal Activity | Protocol
Gq DREADD activation of CaMKIIa MnPO neurons stimulates nitric oxide activity | Journal of Neurophysiology
18F-labeled radiotracers for in vivo imaging of DREADD with positron emission tomography — Johns Hopkins University
Viral Vector Delivery of DREADDs for CNS Therapy | Bentham Science
New approaches to epilepsy treatment: optogenetics and DREADDs — Neuroscientifically Challenged
Researchers develop a selective chemogenetic actuator to rapidly control neuronal activity and behavior
Gs-DREADD Knock-In Mice for Tissue-Specific, Temporal Stimulation of Cyclic AMP Signaling | Molecular and Cellular Biology