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Angelo Grubišić - Icarus Project - Wingsuit Claustraphobia at the Crack | Facebook
Angelo Grubišić - Icarus Project - Wingsuit Claustraphobia at the Crack | Facebook
Sometimes it’s difficult for me to convey the feeling of flying a wingsuit in close proximity to terrain, but I think this new style of filming gives some great insight into the intensity and concentration. Diving at over 200km/h through the crack feels like travelling at light speed. #wingsuit #proximity #Switzerland #flight #BASEjump #extremesports. Follow us on Instagram: @icarusangelo Facebook: @icarusangelo
Angelo Grubišić - Icarus Project - Wingsuit Claustraphobia at the Crack | Facebook
ICARUS Project Chapter II
ICARUS Project Chapter II
On y est ! Le chapitre II est parti, un dernier coup de pouce de votre part pour faire bonne route ! Enfin la glace...
ICARUS Project Chapter II
Homewood Home
Homewood Home
The city of Homewood is a community rich in tradition & pride while remaining focused on future success, innovation & progress for all of its citizens.
Homewood Home
National Merit Scholarship Corporation - Home
National Merit Scholarship Corporation - Home
NMSC recognizes and honors the academically talented students of the U.S. by conducting the National Merit Scholarship Program.
National Merit Scholarship Corporation - Home
Falklands-82. Argentine suicide
Falklands-82. Argentine suicide
British in the Falkland Islands. Source: "The Malvinas were, are and will be Argentine!" The Falklands, or, as they are called in Argentina, the Malvinas Islands since 1833, formally under British administration. It would seem, on what basis does Buenos Aires claim the archipelago, even if
Falklands-82. Argentine suicide