A 23 years old nulligravida presents with a 2-day history of sharp intermittent RLQ abdominal pain, nonradiating, without any alleviating factors, exacerbated with movement, progressively worsening, and not associated with any GI symptoms. Her last menstrual period was 7 weeks ago. She denies medical problems. Her gynecologic history is significant for a prior chlamydia infection as a teenager, but is otherwise negative. What potential sequelae do you need to be concerned about? - Pass NPLEX : Pass NPLEX
A 23 years old nulligravida presents with a 2-day history of sharp intermittent RLQ abdominal pain, nonradiating, without any alleviating factors, exacerbated with movement, progressively worsening, and not associated with any GI symptoms. Her last menstrual period was 7 weeks ago. She denies medical problems. Her gynecologic history is significant for a prior chlamydia infection as a teenager, but is otherwise negative. What potential sequelae do you need to be concerned about? - Pass NPLEX : Pass NPLEX
Rupture and shock
A 23 years old nulligravida presents with a 2-day history of sharp intermittent RLQ abdominal pain, nonradiating, without any alleviating factors, exacerbated with movement, progressively worsening, and not associated with any GI symptoms. Her last menstrual period was 7 weeks ago. She denies medical problems. Her gynecologic history is significant for a prior chlamydia infection as a teenager, but is otherwise negative. What potential sequelae do you need to be concerned about? - Pass NPLEX : Pass NPLEX
UQ eSpace
UQ eSpace
The University of Queensland's institutional repository, UQ eSpace, aims to create global visibility and accessibility of UQ’s scholarly research.
UQ eSpace
Comment choisir un mot vide pour qu'il aide vraiment ? | Cosmopolitan Magazine
Comment choisir un mot vide pour qu'il aide vraiment ? | Cosmopolitan Magazine
Помнишь, в первом фильме «50 оттенков серого» мистер Грей пытается побежать за главной героиней, но та жестко произносит: «Красный!» – и он останавливается? «Красный» – их стоп-слово, которое сигнализировало о том, что игра должна прекратиться. Но смысл стоп-слова гораздо глубже, чем кажется. Как его правильно выбирать и зачем оно может потребоваться в обычных отношениях — рассказываем в нашем материале.
Comment choisir un mot vide pour qu'il aide vraiment ? | Cosmopolitan Magazine
SP-2: there are practically no obstacles to launch, but the United States can still interfere
SP-2: there are practically no obstacles to launch, but the United States can still interfere
German Chancellor Angela Merkel called the US sanctions against the Nord Stream 1 gas pipeline illegal on September 2020, 2 and stressed that she wants to complete its construction. Therefore, it is very interesting whether the United States will be able to prevent the launch of the SP-2, even despite the position of the most important European
SP-2: there are practically no obstacles to launch, but the United States can still interfere
A propionate-inducible expression system for enteric bacteria - PubMed
A propionate-inducible expression system for enteric bacteria - PubMed
A series of new expression vectors (pPro) have been constructed for the regulated expression of genes in Escherichia coli. The pPro vectors contain the prpBCDE promoter (P(prpB)) responsible for expression of the propionate catabolic genes (prpBCDE) and prpR encoding the positive regulator of this p …
A propionate-inducible expression system for enteric bacteria - PubMed
Итальянские диалоги | Пикабу
Итальянские диалоги | Пикабу
Я учусь в итальянском университете, и вокруг меня много иностранцев. Про Россию они в основном знают только название, поэтому иногда за спритцем выдают шикарные перлы. Я - я, И - иностранец. Я - Щас у Автор: RussianSpyTravel
Итальянские диалоги | Пикабу
Biosensing in Smart Engineered Probiotics - PubMed
Biosensing in Smart Engineered Probiotics - PubMed
Engineered microbes are exciting alternatives to current diagnostics and therapeutics. Researchers have developed a wide range of genetic tools and parts to engineer probiotic and commensal microbes. Among these tools and parts, biosensors allow the microbes to sense and record or to sense and respo …
Biosensing in Smart Engineered Probiotics - PubMed
Loving the poison: the methylcitrate cycle and bacterial pathogenesis - PubMed
Loving the poison: the methylcitrate cycle and bacterial pathogenesis - PubMed
Propionate is an abundant catabolite in nature and represents a rich potential source of carbon for the organisms that can utilize it. However, propionate and propionate-derived catabolites are also toxic to cells, so propionate catabolism can alternatively be viewed as a detoxification mechanism. I …
Loving the poison: the methylcitrate cycle and bacterial pathogenesis - PubMed
The United Methodist Church
The United Methodist Church
The people of The United Methodist Church are putting our faith in action by making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.
The United Methodist Church
A Timed Off-Switch for Dynamic Control of Gene Expression in Corynebacterium Glutamicum - PubMed
A Timed Off-Switch for Dynamic Control of Gene Expression in Corynebacterium Glutamicum - PubMed
Dynamic control of gene expression mainly relies on inducible systems, which require supplementation of (costly) inducer molecules. In contrast, synthetic regulatory circuits, which allow the timed shutdown of gene expression, are rarely available and therefore represent highly attractive tools for …
A Timed Off-Switch for Dynamic Control of Gene Expression in Corynebacterium Glutamicum - PubMed
The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex of Corynebacterium glutamicum: an attractive target for metabolic engineering - PubMed
The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex of Corynebacterium glutamicum: an attractive target for metabolic engineering - PubMed
The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex (PDHC) catalyzes the oxidative thiamine pyrophosphate-dependent decarboxylation of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA and CO2. Since pyruvate is a key metabolite of the central metabolism and also the precursor for several relevant biotechnological products, metabolic engineer …
The pyruvate dehydrogenase complex of Corynebacterium glutamicum: an attractive target for metabolic engineering - PubMed