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Study helps: Divine Discontent – Sister Michelle D Craig – Latter-dayBloke
Study helps: Divine Discontent – Sister Michelle D Craig – Latter-dayBloke
….Prophetic calls to action, coupled with our innate sense that we can do and be more, sometimes create within us what Elder Neal A. Maxwell called “divine discontent.” Divine discontent come…
Study helps: Divine Discontent – Sister Michelle D Craig – Latter-dayBloke
Divine Discontent – Jordan Rapp
Divine Discontent – Jordan Rapp
I was going through my blog, adding some labels to some posts, and I stumbled across this, which I had saved as a draft. The original email was sent to me by Mark Van Akkeren, who received it from …
Divine Discontent – Jordan Rapp
Will you ever be truly satisfied? [Divine Discontent] - Brilliant Balance
Will you ever be truly satisfied? [Divine Discontent] - Brilliant Balance
I believe there are people in this world who experience deep satisfaction. I’ve just never counted myself among them. I’ve spent years labeling my never-ending dissatisfaction as “Divine Discontent” writing it off as just the way I’m wired. No sooner do I cross an accomplishment off my list than I tackle the next one. Or decide that the first one wasn’t big […]
Will you ever be truly satisfied? [Divine Discontent] - Brilliant Balance
A Journey of Divine Discontent | Three Minute Leadership
A Journey of Divine Discontent | Three Minute Leadership
“We have a divine discontent with our performance. It is an antidote to smugness.” These words, written by David Ogilvy, Founder of Ogilvy and Mather International Advertising Company, are the comp…
A Journey of Divine Discontent | Three Minute Leadership
Divine Discontent
Divine Discontent
Aloha Brothers and Sisters, It is a common trope to begin a talk with some joke about receiving a call, often from an unknown number, that results in you reluctantly accepting a invitation to speak in sacrament meeting (the sermon portion of our services). I on the other hand was thrilled to receive that call last week because exactly a year ago it was a sacrament talk (preaching) that caught me my handsome, wonderful, brilliant husband. Last fall I was attending a singles ward (college congrega
Divine Discontent
Divine Discontent and Habits | Intentional Inspirations
Divine Discontent and Habits | Intentional Inspirations
I gave a little presentation at a church activity last week about creating habits to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be. A lot of speakers call the feelings we feel in the gap “divine discontent”. Divine discontent comes when we compare what we are to what we have…
Divine Discontent and Habits | Intentional Inspirations
Listen to Your Divine Discontent
Listen to Your Divine Discontent
Welcome to Nightingale-Conant It's your dream. It's your time. Let's get started.
Listen to Your Divine Discontent
The Art of Healthy Discontentment - Grant Baldwin
The Art of Healthy Discontentment - Grant Baldwin
Far too often we’re not paying close enough attention to what is happening in our own lives. You ever have a moment where you wake up and ask yourself…
The Art of Healthy Discontentment - Grant Baldwin
Divine Discontent
Divine Discontent
Sister Craig encourages sisters to welcome feelings of discontent that inspire them to improve—to act in faith, to do good, and to rely on Jesus Christ.
Divine Discontent
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