Virtual Reality after Surgery—A Method to Decrease Pain After Surgery in Pediatric Patients - Brian J. Specht, Caroline R. Buse, Janey R. Phelps, Michael R. Phillips, Sarah D. Chiavacci, Lauren E. Harrell, Jacob M. Nelson, Katherine E. Poulos, Quefeng Li, Yutong Liu, Maria C. Lupa, 2021

Virtual Reality as a Non-Pharmacological Adjunct to Reduce the Use of Analgesics in Hospitals | SpringerLink
Virtual reality in anesthesia "simulation" - PubMed
Effects of immersive virtual reality therapy on intravenous patient-controlled sedation during orthopaedic surgery under regional anesthesia: A randomized controlled trial | PLOS ONE
Application of virtual reality on non-drug behavioral management of short-term dental procedure in children - PMC
Virtual reality as an adjunct to anesthesia in the operating room - PubMed
Michelle L Woodbury PhD, OTR/L | MUSC Charleston, SC
Therapeutic Modalities | PM&R KnowledgeNow
JEFF PHILIPS: Electronic anesthesia puts patient in control
Virtual reality as a distraction technique for pain and anxiety among patients with breast cancer: A randomized control trial | Palliative & Supportive Care | Cambridge Core
TMS Therapy Program | Mental Health Programs | Westwind Recovery® in CA
What is Rapid Drug Detox: Overview, Risks & Cost | The Recovery Village
Christopher D. King, PhD
Article of the Month
Clinical Trial on Anxiety: Lidocaine Hydrochloride, Virtual reality device (Harga Miniso Vr Glass 3d terbaru), Xylitol - Clinical Trials Registry - ICH GCP
Augmented Reality to Revolutionize the Health Care
PRIME PubMed | Comparative evaluation of virtual reality distraction and counter-stimulation on dental anxiety and pain perception in children
Virtual Medical Game - Virtual Reality in Medicine - ServReality
French startup tests VR in hospitals as anesthetic replacement - Virtual Reality News
Emergence Delirium and Agitation in the Perioperative Period: Practice Essentials, Problem, Management
Top 45 Healthcare Virtual Reality startups
Anesthesia-Assisted Opioid Detox (Rapid Opiate Detox)
New Research: Augmented Reality May Relieve Phantom Limb Pain | Anesthesia Experts
Virtual reality distraction helps in assessment of eosinophilic esophagitis in children
References in Environmental Cues and Relapse: An Old Idea That Is New for Reentry of Recovering Anesthesia Care Professionals - Mayo Clinic Proceedings
Journal of Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine | Juniper publishers open access journals
Harvard MedTech’s Vx Therapy reduces pain, improves recovery
Transforming Reality: Using Virtual Reality to Treat Patients with Cancer
Virtual Reality Pain Reduction – UW Human Photonics Lab