
Toward Direct Brain-Computer Communication
Operant Conditioning of Cortical Unit Activity
(PDF) A cortical neural prosthesis for restoring and enhancing memory
(PDF) Plasticity-Inducing TMS Protocols to Investigate Somatosensory Control of Hand Function
(PDF) The effect of chronic intracortical microstimulation on the electrode-tissue interface
(PDF) Towards a Naturalistic Brain-Machine Interface: Hybrid Torque and Position Control Allows Generalization to Novel Dynamics
(PDF) Dry and Noncontact EEG Sensors for Mobile Brain–Computer Interfaces
(PDF) Guest Editorial: Brain/Neuronal-Computer Game Interfaces and Interaction
(PDF) Soft, Embeddable, Dry EEG Sensors for Real World Applications
Multifractal Analysis of Information Processing in Hippocampal Neural Ensembles during Working Memory under Δ(9) Tetrahydrocannabinol Administration. | Request PDF
(PDF) Naïve coadaptive cortical control
(PDF) Challenges and Opportunities for Next-Generation Intracortically Based Neural Prostheses
Novel Targeted Sensory Reinnervation Technique to Restore Functional Hand Sensation After Transhumeral Amputation | Request PDF
Low power multi-camera system and algorithms for automated threat detection | Request PDF
(PDF) Fast Readout of Object Identity from Macaque Inferior Temporal Cortex
Optimal detection of objects in images and videos using electroencephalography (EEG)
Transcranial electrical stimulation over visual cortex evokes phosphenes with a retinal origin - PubMed
Mind Control with Electromagnetic Frequency
Today’s Nazi Mind Control Agenda, MK-ULTRA’s 20 Year Focus (Sub-Projects) to Advancement of Mind Invasive Technology, Assassin Programming, Hypnosis, Riots, Drug Infiltration Testing, Illegal and Legal, for Ongoing Mass, Social Population Control – MIND CONTROL TECHNOLOGY
Methamphetamine - PsychonautWiki
Crystal Methamphetamine: The Other Sexual Addiction
Mind Control: Programmers, Handlers, Abusers & Satanists. ALLEGEDLY!! |
Two-Drug Combo May Help Fight Meth Addiction
Silva Method - Wikipedia
The SECRET for Undetectable Mind Control
Demonic Possession – How Demons Take Control
Mind Control
Nazis Dosed Soldiers with Performance-Boosting 'Superdrug' | Live Science