Methadone Maintenance | CTC & ITC Treatment Centers

SB1535 - 541R - Senate Fact Sheet
Regulation of the Treatment of Opioid Use Disorder with Methadone
Mismanaged Methadone Treatment | ABD
Oregon Secretary of State Administrative Rules
DEA Lifts Moratorium on Methadone Vans | GW Regulatory Studies Center
Methadone Diversion Control and Oversight Program - Google Maps
CHAPTER 18. METHADONE DIVERSION CONTROL AND OVERSIGHT PROGRAM :: 2012 Indiana Code :: US Codes and Statutes :: US Law :: Justia
Methadone Access for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic Within the United States and Canada | Addiction Medicine | JAMA Network Open | JAMA Network
Pages - Opioid Authority
Methadone Maintenance in the 1990's
National Alliance of Methadone Advocates - PDF Free Download
DailyMed - DISKETS- methadone hydrochloride tablet
Chapter 5122-40 - Ohio Administrative Code | Ohio Laws
Federal Regulation of Methadone Treatment - Google Books
Federal Register - Google Books
Oversight--methadone Maintenance Program, Buffalo, N.Y. - Google Books
Oversight-methadone Maintenance Program, Buffalo, N.Y., Hearing Before the ... - Google Books
Rural opioid treatment program patient perspectives on take-home methadone policy changes during COVID-19: a qualitative thematic analysis | Addiction Science & Clinical Practice | Full Text
Title 908 Chapter 1 Regulation 374 • Kentucky Administrative Regulations • Legislative Research Commission
Notice for Proposed Rule Making – Change in Federal Oversight for Methadone Treatment – AATOD 10a - health and human services/chapter 27 - mental health, community facilities and services/subchapter g/10a ncac 27g .3604.html
When the opioid crisis comes home
Virtual Reality after Surgery—A Method to Decrease Pain After Surgery in Pediatric Patients - Brian J. Specht, Caroline R. Buse, Janey R. Phelps, Michael R. Phillips, Sarah D. Chiavacci, Lauren E. Harrell, Jacob M. Nelson, Katherine E. Poulos, Quefeng Li, Yutong Liu, Maria C. Lupa, 2021
Virtual Reality as a Non-Pharmacological Adjunct to Reduce the Use of Analgesics in Hospitals | SpringerLink
Virtual reality in anesthesia "simulation" - PubMed
Effects of immersive virtual reality therapy on intravenous patient-controlled sedation during orthopaedic surgery under regional anesthesia: A randomized controlled trial | PLOS ONE
Application of virtual reality on non-drug behavioral management of short-term dental procedure in children - PMC
Virtual reality as an adjunct to anesthesia in the operating room - PubMed