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NoFap Relapse: 13 ways to deal with relapse after a NoFap streak
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Effects of immersive virtual reality therapy on intravenous patient-controlled sedation during orthopaedic surgery under regional anesthesia: A randomized controlled trial | PLOS ONE
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Michelle L Woodbury PhD, OTR/L | MUSC Charleston, SC
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JEFF PHILIPS: Electronic anesthesia puts patient in control
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Christopher D. King, PhD
Article of the Month
Clinical Trial on Anxiety: Lidocaine Hydrochloride, Virtual reality device (Harga Miniso Vr Glass 3d terbaru), Xylitol - Clinical Trials Registry - ICH GCP
Augmented Reality to Revolutionize the Health Care
PRIME PubMed | Comparative evaluation of virtual reality distraction and counter-stimulation on dental anxiety and pain perception in children